The Thriller Bark War Begins

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Doflamingo who was watching the execution grin and then laugh like a maniac.

HAHAHAHA", Doflamingo continue to laugh like a maniac.

Meanwhile Asta and his team were surrounded by many soilder.

"You scum",one soilder spoke.

"You shall be punished by deatv",Another spoke.

"Oh shut up instead of moving your mouth move your body we are getting bored here",Gajeel spoke in a mocking tone.

"We have declared war against Doflamingo.Aren't you those guys who sucked his dick.So maybe you should do your job",Killua also spoke with a bored tone.

"Why you"one of the soilder spoke.

"You will die", another spoke.

"Lighting Dragon Roar/
Iron Dragon Roar",Gajeel and Killua fired their respective Dragon roar and knocked out many soilder.

"Water Slicer",Juvia create multiple water blades that resemble scythes and fired it
towards the approaching soilder.

All of the soilder who got hit scream in pain.

Wendy meanwhile was dodging multiple slashes from many soilders.She wasn't experience so it was really hard for.

Carla lift Wendy from the back and fly up to get Wendy out of harms way.

A soilder try to jump on the duo but Carla fly even higher.The soilder was about to catch them but Wendy used her leg and kick the soilder on the chins while in the air.

"Carla,can you fly down and when soilder jump to catch us you fly up and I kicked those soilder",Wendy asked.

Carla sigh.She doesn't want Wendy to fight but Wendy wasn't going to listen.

"Fine but I will make sure you get no injuries",Carla spoke with a smirk.

Asta walk towards the soilder who were running towards him to kill him.

One soilder did a diagonal slash but got hit in the face and send rolling on the ground by Asta Demon Slayer Sword before he could do the slash.

A soilder try to hit Asta from above but Asta jump and punched the soilder in the ribs.The soilder was send careening back.

He saw many soilder try to bring their swords on him but Asta spin 360 and hit every soilder with the Demon Slayer.

He look around and saw everyone had dealt with the soilder without a so much of a scratch.

"Everyone,We are attacking Thriller Bark.Let's go",Asta spoke as he head towards the port.

"Yeah",Gajeel,Killua,Juvia and even Wendy agreed.

Asta, Gajeel and Killua manage to asked the direction for the port before they got to the execution platform.At first he decided to wait and attack but now he isn't gonna do any of that.He is attacking Doflamingo head on.

Gajeel and Killua also knew Asta intention and followed after him.Juvia and Wendy soon followed afterwards.

The team was walking toward the port and town people could only stare at them in awed.

They went towards the crowd and the people in the crowd moved out of that way so Team Black Fairy could get to Thriller Bark.

"Doflamingo,your regin of terror will soon be over",
Asta thought with rage.

Soon the team arrived at the Port.There they saw a bridge that connects to Thriller Bark.

To their confusion there were many people who look like mages.(200 in total).It look like they wanted to join Asta and his team.

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