Chapter. 1

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I am Alexander Evergreen. Currently I stand as the most feared villain in the state of Japan. But right now my name is Altas Harbor and I am currently under disguise at one of the most prestigious hero school in Japan. UA highschool. An annoying place with even more annoying teachers and people. Well all but one. Gabrielle Buolay. She is gorgeous. I was placed in class 1-A at the beginning of the year. I had to actually get in and it was annoyingly easy. But I'm spiraling. She is also in class 1-A. Her quirk is beautifully deadly. My assignment is to get more people to join the League. And yeah so what am I the "boss" I wanted to go. For her. She works as a hero on the side even though no one knows. I do. Her  scent is impossible to copy. She smells of comfort. That's a smell I've never had the privilege of having. People fear me. But her. She isn't. She has said that she loved me. She listens. But of course what she doesn't know. Is who I am. Of course. She only knows Atlas Harbor. Not Alexander Evergreen. She could never fall for him. He is imperfect and evil. And Atlas is as perfect as any human can as well as good. 
      "Atlas!" Calls a girl with short brunette hair and eyes as dark as night and a smile that could brighten my day no matter what.
      "Hm? What's up Brie?" I question not realizing class has finished. 
      "Come on, you said we could go and hang out today." 
      "Oh, sorry I got lost in thought." I say as I get up getting my things together, her walking over to me.
      "Again? This is like the 100th time this week. Are you ok?" 
       'Not in the slightest.' I think to myself. "Yeah I'm ok just things have been on my mind a lot recently." I say with a smile.
      "Oh well if you ever need someone to talk to I'll always be there for you no matter what" she smiles. That gorgeous smile I could just look at for hours. A smile that can bring even the most cold hearted person joy. 
      "Thank you, I appreciate it." I say smiling back. I get up from my seat only to be grabbed by the hand and pulled out of the classroom. She has always been one of the few people I've let get close to me. I've made a promise to myself to always make sure she is safe. 
      She pulled me all the way to a little treehouse letting go of my hand and going up. I follow behind her, closing the door or it behind me and sit in my spot. I helped her build this place and this is where we hang out. Away from people and responsibilities. "Sooooo I have a question, do you like anyone?" I kinda just looked at her because of the sudden question.
     "I mean maybe why do you ask?" I stumbled out.
     "Well I mean you always seem so dazed after I snap you out of thought so I thought you must be thinking about a special someone. So who is it?"
     "It's just a person" 'a person really she's more than just a person she's gorgeous wonderful amazing and everything to me.' She laughs a bit.
    "If it was just a person you wouldn't be thinking of her like that" she laughs a bit more seeing my flushed face. 
    "Quit reading my mind!" I blurt out covering my face from view. She only laughs more. 
    "Come on tell me, I wanna know who made the cold hearted Atlas Harbor fall in love." 
      "Nope, it's not happening" I turn away from her not wanting her to ever find out. If she did it would turn out one of two ways. Either she likes me back and I have to live out hurting that she never fell for Alexander Evergreen but Atlas Harbor. Or she doesn't feel the same and I lose the only person in my life that has given me some kind of stability. I snap out of thought at her snapping in my face.
      "Hellooo? Anyone there?" 
      "Huh? Yeah sorry lost in thought again" 
      "Woah, two times in a row it's a new record! That girl must have really thrown you for a loop" 
      "I guess you could say that" 
      "Yeah I do, but seriously what's with you lately?" 
       'Oh nothing I just have to be known as a traitor by you soon' "nothing just kinda have a lot on my plate right now."
       "Well, is their anything I can do to help?" 
       "No it's fine, it'll be over eventually"
       "Oh well ok then" she smiles. I wish this wasn't everything went for us. Tomorrow she will never see me how she once did. Tomorrow everything is going to change.

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