Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Ty was speechless, she was taller than Amy but her looks were very similar.
"Would you like coffee or tea".
"No thank you, I'd better get going , I would say thanks for a great night but I honestly don't remember".
"To be honest, same here".
She walked out shutting the door behind her.
Ty held his head in his hands wondering what the hell he was doing, he was a mess. He did miss Amy so much but didn't know what to do about it, he'd messed everything up with Tim's help.

Amy was back at Heartland waiting for Lisa to call, Katie was in her room and Georgie was out on a trail ride.
Tim had just been to Hillcrest to see if Ahmed had another Job for him as he paid well, really well but when he got there Ahmed and his team had left, a member of staff told him that his father The King had called him home so they packed up and left.
Tim was fuming, his meal ticket hadn't said anything and he reckoned it was because of Amy. Tim was a walking time bomb.

Lou told Lisa she needed to grab a couple of things and head home.
"I'll see you later once Jacks out of the O.R ".
"Okay, see ya later Lisa".
Amy was doing her washing and wished her Grampa would get a newer machine that wasn't as noisy, she'd gone back to sort a few things in her room then came back into the kitchen. As she walked towards the mudroom a hand grabbed her around her throat and lifted her up off the floor yelling it was her fault Ahmed had left and he was out of a Job.

Lou was just rounding the corner as her fathers truck almost hit her. She thought "Dad!!! Omg Amy".
She parked and ran into the house.
There on the floor was Amy, eye's open and bloodshot, Lou thought she was dead, Lou checked and could just feel a weak pulse.
She put her phone on the floor, and called emergency support on speaker phone.
"Emergency services what do you need".
"My father's tried to kill my sister at Heartland Ranch Hudson, I've put her in the recovery position but she's finding it hard to breath as she's been strangled, she's all bruised around her throat, and she has bloodshot eye's which are just staring, she's 23 and 7 months pregnant please help us.

Lou was still trying to help her as Caleb walked in.
"Hey Lou, omg what's happened ".
"My Dad tried to kill her, she can't breath properly, Ambulance is on it's way and the've sent a Paramedic ahead. Caleb took over holding the back of her neck so her head was tilting back to open her airway and Lou kept checking her pulse. She looked at Amy's Eye's which were completely blood shot but wide open, Lou knew that was a sign of strangulation.
"Lou checked again and Amy was still breathing. The woman on the end of the phone congratulated them both and said to put Amy in the recovery position. Just as they did that the Paramedic walked in and took over.
He wired her up including the baby who's heart was beating well and got her in the Ambulance which just arrived.
"Caleb would you please watch Katie, I think Georgie is on a trail ride".
"Yes Lou, go, now".
"Thank you Caleb".
Lou got in and and they set off on blue lights, another Paramedic gave Amy a light sedative and then incubated her as her throat was swelling. Amy then had a neck brace fitted in case of vertebrae injury, Lou asked about her eye's just staring and he explained that Amy was in deep shock.
"She must of been so scared".
The RCMP had all available cars looking for Tim Fleming. Now it was Attempted Murder.

To be continued

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