The Last Day

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Finishing the last official day of school on the grounds Poppy looks around her dorm room remembering the first day she was given the key to an individual room then on through the years of the good: party invite making and the parties that follow, scrapbooking, hangouts and cramming sessions with the Snack Pack & the bad: mourning at the death of an older student, alumni or parent of another student.

After reminiscing for a moment she checked her phone for any updates on the server about her appointment, finding none she set her phone down & headed over to her bookshelf. Looking over its unorganized stuffed shelves she stepped back & started prepping cardboard boxes for their contents. Pulling them all over she begins by finding the heavier ones placing them in separate boxes then the lighter ones on top and followed finally by party invites, loose-leaf scrapbook paper and extra craft supplies. Nodding at the empty shelves now in front of her, she is glad that she tried our Creek's tip on packing away scrapbooks. After rearranging a couple of items to get them to fit she heads over to the rest of the boxes & searches for the kitten-themed tape roll and glittery marker she had bought for today. Hearing a ping she jumps up from her search then heads over to the bed. With a huff she throws herself on her still-made bed, getting a face full of glitter from her last spill. Wiping the glitter away from her eyes and out of her bangs she makes a mad grab at the phone, almost falling off the bed. Seeing the email sent to her under her official name Penelope Alexandra Lyon (PAL) and that the meeting isn't until that afternoon she sighs, putting her phone aside and returns to looking for her supplies.

An hour later the rest of the room is boxed, labeled and stacked out of the way as told to do during 'leaving' orientation.

Nothing else to do & the blockers put on their personal devices by the wi-fi and staff preventing them from accessing social media and streaming services, Poppy goes in search for any one else that's still waiting for their meeting in the dorms. Finding no one she goes in search of something to do for the next two hours. 

Grabbing her phone & iPod on her way out she skips along as she goes. Not even finding an old teacher to talk to, she wanders the halls finding old classrooms peeking through the windows, she walks quickly past the entrance to the cells/interrogation/torture rooms in the basement, peeking into the gym before heading outside to the shooting range where she makes fake shooting noises with her fingers in the shape of a gun, training grounds, and stables. As she lets the song continue she takes a quick look at her watch & heads back inside to give herself 10 extra minutes . . . just in case she gets lost. 

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