A Good/Bad Day

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A frustrated and annoyed Branch pulls into his parking spot. Taking a moment he turns off the radio then checks through his bag for the tin of cat food. Nodding he closes the bag picking it up by its straps then exits his truck. Closing the door he uses the door lock button on his key then heads toward his door. Looking around discreetly checking for any noises of hunters he unlocks the door. 

Turning on the light he puts his items down on the chair & takes off his coat hanging it up. Looking around his room he finds the remote & turns on a random channel. It's almost one in the morning so not much will be on, but it's background noise so it doesn't really matter. Putting the remote on the bed he places his smartphone beside it as he strips down to his boxers putting his uniform in his hamper and shoes by the door. Setting a reminder to do laundry on his phone he lays across the bed.

Checking his phone for messages from his other managers and finding none he turns up the notification volume and puts it aside. Rolling off the bed he heads over to the fridge. Grabbing his bloodbag dinner from the cooler he closes the cooler and fridge door. Getting the scissors out of its drawer he heads over to the table & makes a cut at the top corner. Tipping it's contents into his mouth draining the bag he puts it aside with the others then cleans and dries himself off at the sink. 

Hearing scratching at the door he lays down the towel for later. After looking out the window he slowly unlocks the door. The old stray slowly ambles in and lays in his usual spot on the bed. Looking across at him in false offense he closes the door, locking it. Making his way over slowly he crouches down in front of the old Maine Coon he found a couple of months ago. Kneeling down next to the bed he reaches out checking him over for new injuries and scratches while scratching him under the chin with his other. Finding none he rubs the cat's head then heads back to the chair. Getting the can of cat food out of his bag he takes it to the kitchen area. Getting out a plate he opens the can tipping its contents then placing the plate on the ground. Tossing out the empty can he heads back to the bed.

Having still not gotten any messages from anyone he checks his work apps for open shifts he can cover. Flu season & a last minute need to have a shift covered has always helped with that. Selecting a shift that's for the back stock room and stocking the shelves and the shift coverage being allowed he gets up. Scratching the cat's head he carries him over to the plate. Getting an indignant look smiling down at him he walks away. Going through his bags and the small dresser he finds a clean band shirt, jeans and underclothes. Laying them all out on the bed he sets an alarm for 2:30 so he can get there at three he then takes a shower. Getting dressed and ready, putting the plate in the sink and kicking out the stray he grabs his bag, coat, phone and keys.

Locking the door behind him & checking his surroundings again he gets in his truck putting his items beside him. Turning the truck on he turns on the radio to his favorite rock station then heads off to work. 

Pulling into the Walmart he parks on the outskirts of the parking lot. Locking his truck & grabbing his stuff he heads inside watching for cars. Being welcomed inside by the greeters and getting them to open the doors after making vampire jokes he heads into the back & his lockers. Putting his coat in his locker he uses a chair and pulls out a charger and cord. Plugging in his phone he puts it all in his pocket. Returning the occasional greeting from team members as they pass he puts on his vest, puts away his bag and closes his locker. Leaving the employee locker area he uses his employee card to sign himself in then finds the stockroom managers. Getting his tasks he heads off to his locker for his earbuds before grabbing a pallet jack. Grabbing the necessary stock off the pallets and putting it on a cart he finds a charged inventory scanner.

Heading to the front of the store plugging in his earbuds and putting them in his ears once on the sales floor he pushes the cart to the first spot. Scanning the items he unloads the items onto the shelves until the cart is emptied. Dealing with a messed up wheel he slowly pushes it back to the stockroom to refill it then heads back out to the next stop. Slowly getting annoyed at the wheel he accidentally makes a scene when he attempts to prevent the dang cart from continuing to screech, accidentally scaring other employees and gaining the attention of a customer in scrubs. At first she looked afraid, but as he calmed down she made her way towards him & made sure that he was OK. Reassuring her that he was fiqnne he finished scanning the items & putting them away while ignoring her looks.

A while later his last cart is emptied. Putting away the scanner & cart then switching out his coat for the vest he signs out. Getting another couple cans of cat food in the pet section while grumbling to himself about prices he makes his way to the front. Avoiding his coworkers he uses the self checkout and leaves.

Walking across the parking lot as he ignores the blare of the sun he looks around for cars while turning off his music and putting away his earbuds. Being distracted by all of that he doesn't notice the minivan until it's too late.

Rolling across the asphalt cursing the absent-minded driver then while laying face flat on the concrete he remembers that they probably can't see him in their rear view mirrors he curses himself. Sitting up he checks his phone for damage. Placing it in his pocket and cursing at himself again for being distracted he grabs for his bag shaking his head.

Finding no extreme damage to his personal items or their contents as he looks them over he looks back toward the minivan. Heading around the side of the minivan to the driver's window he indicates for the driver to roll down their window.

As the driver rolls down the window he sees the scrub wearing customer from the incident earlier. Wincing at the memory of his anger he eyes her waiting for her to speak, wary and anxious however of her she just sits in the driver seat mouth agape taking him in not speaking. In a hurry to get to his next shift and this staring contest going no where he starts, "I'm sorry you didn't see me . . . I'll try to keep a better look out for drivers next time, but I'm good . . . no injuries . . . so unless you're injured we don't need to involve our insurance in this do we?"

She shakes her head no then looks herself over for injuries while she keeps her hands on the steering wheel white knuckling it. Branch continues stressed, "Ok. So . . . Um, so, I gotta go. Bye." Shaking his head he turned cursing himself again while keeping an eye out for other cars he headed across the parking lot.

Heading off to the next job he turned up the music wincing at the interaction, then shaking his head to clear away the negative thoughts before he spirals he drives to the Amazon warehouse.

Greeted at the door and welcomed in by another vampire waiting for him he heads in telling him about being hit. Getting only the response of a head shake he switches topics as they both head off to their lockers.

After work he heads back to his motel. Locking up the truck he gives one last noise check of the area he lets himself in. Removing his outer layers, throwing them in the basket he heads to the bed. Plugging in his cord/block to the socket and charging his phone he lays across the bed waiting for the return of the stray. Hearing the scratching he rolls over letting him in then returns to his spot. Crawling under the covers he helps him get comfortable on his lap and begins playing games on his phone. Growing bored he turns the TV on low to an oldies channel setting aside the remote returning to his phone waiting for his next shift. 

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