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Branch's bunker is in Allegheny National Forest. When/why does he go to his bunker?

Where does he work: Amazon employee, Walmart stocker, retail, hospital transporter (orderly) where Poppy also works, cart fetcher (annoyed at having to wear a winter coat to appear human?)

Branch always has to use those outdoor gas stations (the ones where you don't have to go inside to pay) as he can't keep getting invited in & he has a love/hate relationship with vampire jokes as he had to hear them until he started using the outside gas station?

Poppy starts noticing the amount of other vampires at the hospital she works at & the amount of self-control they have as they are around unconscious humans & bags of blood all day

Branch hangs out with other vamps at a vamp owned bar

Accident at the store involving a box cutter when he accidentally cut himself. Faking pain and spreading the blood around a little he bandages himself then returns to work. Trip to the mall or a Goodwill with a human friend (to be let in) to get some more clothes, some toiletries, some more stuff for the stray . . .

Volunteer work at an animal shelter (Branch getting annoyed at the cat hair, telling the cats this is why he no longer turns into a bat)?

Poppy continues to run tests on him: old mirrors, leaving drops of blood, garlic & holy symbols where he works. Branch gets annoyed and gets some gloves, some paper towels and a garbage bag from the back. Scouring the whole store he cleans it all up & at the end of the shift he hangs the bag from a rear view mirror of Poppy's minivan, with a note taped to the side telling her that she's interfering with his work

Poppy has already noticed Branch at the hospital she works at:

Poppy returns to the Walmart & approaches Branch & waves a cross in Branch's face & he asks her to stop. She asks him why are you scared or something, he tells her no, she just looks like a freak waving that thing around in public. He takes it from her, looks at it & complains about how it's a waste of wood & hands it back over.

He returns to stocking shelves while Poppy puts it away in her very decorated sparkly pink purse grumbling.

Poppy removes a bag of rice & dumps it in front of him & he throws a fit about her making a mess.

He stomps off and returns with a broom & dustpan handing it over telling her to clean it up.

As he returns to stocking Poppy tells him about the lore (arithmomania: compulsion to count) & that she wanted to test it.

He sighs telling her that not all lore is true & some is regional or a psychosis.

Poppy asks him then if it's not true then why is he stocking.

He responds first by telling her that he is an introvert, the half sarcastically adds, "you've seen my 'customer service skills' interacting with you. I'm having you clean up your own mess! Can you imagine how I'd interact with a normal, non-hunter customer . . . let alone a Karen!?! My fangs would always be out simply dealing with that mess of a human!, "pausing, he continues, "Why are you here again? Don't you have someone else you can go bother?"

Poppy looks down at the half-swept pile & shakes her head.

Branch reaching for another item on the cart looks across at her seeing her forlorn look he sympathizes with her, "Extrovert?"

Poppy nods as she continues sweeping, "Capital letters surrounded by fireworks & flowers level . . . "

Branch nods looking over at her, "so, what's up?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2022 ⏰

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