The Hangout & Accidentally 'Meeting' Branch

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After the long drive to Cooper & Darnell's estate Poppy pulls up to the security fence. After being let in by security Poppy pulls her car up behind the other cars parked in the driveway. Grabbing her bag Poppy accidentally slams the door behind her as she heads inside. Letting herself in she finds the living room with the other sprawled across the furniture indulging in empty calorie snacks they've gotten along the way over. Some are laying back with their heads on the armrests and their legs laying across others thighs while others have formed comfortable piles with legs tangled together with their feet criss crossing each other on the table in the middle. Finding a whole between the others on one of the couches she wiggles in between the legs and bodies until she's comfortable. Grabbing the snacks she bought at a gas station and her phone out of the bag, putting them beside her she closes the bag then places it behind the couch.

Putting her feet up on the table in the center pushing aside home design magazines she looks around her then turns to the TV as she opens the box. Offering its contents with a few taking her up on the offering and offering a trade from their own purchases. The group remains quiet with a few murmurs as they watch trash TV. After a while of letting their brain go dead and indulging in long missed snacks the clocks in the hallway nearby announce that it's getting late. Waiting for them to go silent after seven rings they all slowly pull their legs off eachother & place them on the ground, while others detangle then grab their bags and surround the table.

After an awkward eye exchange Creek starts, "She suggested that I kill a zombie, but I'm thinking of killing a siren or chimera instead . . . "

Cooper, "she suggested zombies to both of us . . . but I think she was joking . . . so we've been thinking . . . maybe a vampire." The group nods, but agrees with the elder on the zombie thing, they're not all that dangerous but in groups they're harder to control.

Fuzzbert squeaks out that he was suggested a yeti and that he's pretty excited to find one. The rest of the group listed off their suggested mysticals one by one:

DJ Suki: a werewolf

Guy Diamond: a wyvern

Satin & Chenille: a hydra

Biggie & his hamster: a dragon

Smidge: a jinn

Getting to her Poppy tells them about her argument with the elder & they agree that the elder didn't have to speak to her like that, but agree that maybe she shouldn't go after a vampire. Stubborn in her decision she reminds them the elder is there to suggest . . . in the end it's up to them on what they hunt to be able to graduate. They all nod snacking while thinking over whether or not to go with the suggestion they received from her.

Looking back over the year they all return to kicking back & relaxing into the furniture once again leaning on each other. DJ Suki at one point heads off outside & comes back with some more snacks and drinks she had bought handing them out as they each take turns bringing up their favorite memories of the past year then later remembering their favorite times of their earlier years.

As memories take a serious turn as they begin remembering the sadder times as the room grows quiet until a knock is heard at the door frame. At once they all look up and see Cooper & Darnell's parents Quincy & Essence standing at the door frame. Quincy, heads in first grabbing a bag of chips joining his sons on a couch while loosening his tie, "So, how was everyone's last day?" As they all take turns sharing their stories once in a while adding in other stories from the school year Queen Essence joins her family on the couch. Making room for her DJ Suki moves across the circle of couches sitting next to Biggie. Getting a nod in thanks from Essence and returning the gesture DJ Suki returns to the growing conversation around her. As time goes on all relax and more than one conversation goes on as their increased excitement feeds off each other. The excitement as tradition dictates leads to a food fight with Quincy and Essence halfheartedly putting a stop to the excitement (this has been the first time all year since their sons could walk that their house has been filled with the sound of youth. Besides, this is a temporary reprieve for them as much as those around them).

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