Chapter 8: At Last

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Katherine's POV

I went back to New York Friday morning. I texted Kinsley nonstop, and I think I like her a lot. I had to let her know that I had to go back to work. The article I was working on the last few weeks, I had to stay up late typing it. I printed out the paper from the typewriter and I put in my folder. I was exhausted from typing all night. I told her that I'll be back to see my grandma and I will  tell her I have a huge surprise for her. I think she'll love it and won't be able to contain herself. The next day, I went back to work and turned my paper in. All I can do is pray and hope my boss likes it. I continued to text and call Kinsley afterwards. I couldn't wait to take her out and I wished she wasn't so far away.

One day, I was at home, and I heard a knock at my door. I opened the door and there she was. My jaw dropped and I was mesmerized by her body because she was wearing this sexy ass dress. I was turned on and happy to see her. I let her in, and we sat on the sofa to talk.

"Kinsley? What are you doing here? How did you know where I live?" I asked.

"Sam told me where you lived, and I wanted to surprise you." said Kinsley. 

"Is this your first time here in New York?" I asked.

"No. I grew up here in Brooklyn. This is my hometown, and my parents live about six blocks away from here." said Kinsley.

"Do your parents own a bodega?" I asked.

"Yes, they do. They owned it for thirty years." I said.

"Omg! I shop there all the time! I met your parents. They have been trying to set me up with their daughter. I didn't know it was you. What a coincidence, huh?" I said.

"Yeah." chuckled Kinsley.

"Well, I was just about to order take-out but since you're here, I'm going to take you out. Give me a few minutes and I'll be right out." I said.

"Okay." said Kinsley.

I ran to my room and picked out an outfit. I changed my clothes and splashed on some cologne. I brushed my hair. My waves are swimming tonight. I brushed my teeth and popped in some tic-tacs in my mouth. I put some in my pocket for later. I put on my shoes and grabbed my wallet. I grabbed my keys and put them in my pocket. I checked myself in the mirror one last time and left the bedroom to approach Kinsley. 

"Wow! You look great!" said Kinsley. 

"Thank you! You look beautiful tonight. Are you ready?" I said.

"Yes, I am. I know a perfect place to eat." said Kinsley.

"Where's that?" I asked.

"Patrick's Steakhouse." said Kinsley.

"Never been there and I do love a juicy steak." I said.

"I have and you'll love it." said Kinsley.

I drove us to Patrick's Steakhouse and we ordered ourselves a steak. I ordered a loaded baked potato and veggies with my steak. Kinsley ordered the same thing and she ordered us a special wine. I enjoyed the steak and wine. We talked and for some reason, we clicked. I liked her and she liked me.

A few days later, I was called in into my boss's office. I sat down and he began discussing my article.

"Well, Ms. James, I got to say I'm very intrigued by your article. I have decided to publish your article and you get to have a month paid vacation. Well done, Ms. James. Can't wait for next month's article." said my boss.

"Thank you so much!" I said.

A month later....

The next article I did, did so well this month. People are enjoying my articles and some have asked to put my article into a book. I think I just might do that one day. I am finally taking my month paid vacation and I'm going back to New England again to see Grandma. I still have a surprise for her. I sent Ms. June some instructions for the surprise and not to tell Grandma what it is. The next day I arrived at the airport and my driver picked me up. I was dropped off at my grandmother's driveway. I went inside to greet grandma. She was dressed and in her wheelchair. Grandma only walks short distances with a walker for now.

"Kat? What's going on? Why am I all dressed up and where are we going?" asked Grandma.

"It's a surprise." I said.

The driver helped grandma into her seat and I sat next to her. We took off and went to the nursing home. I gave the driver the instructions to get there. We arrived an hour later. The driver parked into the parking lot and helped Grandma out of the car. I gave grandma her wheelchair. She was furious when she saw where she was.

"Why am I here?! Are you going to put me in a home?! Is this your idea of a surprise?" asked Grandma.

"No, I'm not going to put you into a home. I promised Grandpa, remember? We are here because your surprise is inside." I said.

"What kind of surprise is this?" asked Grandma.

A woman who resembled Eva walked toward us and grandma stopped fussing. She looked at her and said, "Eva?!"

"Actually, I'm Kinsley. Follow me and I will lead you to your surprise." said Kinsley.

"I don't know if I like this." said Grandma.

"It's okay, grandma." I said.

Grandma continued to fuss and I looked at Kinsley who is smiling. I shook my head and rolled my eyes. Finally we arrived at Eva's room. Kinsley opened the door and let us in. There was Eva who Kinsley resembled. They both looked like beautiful mermaids from the sea. Grandma stopped fussing and saw the woman that she loved long ago.

"Eva?!" said Grandma.

"Ellie?!" said Eva.

"You're still alive!" said Grandma.

"So are you." said Eva.

I wheeled Grandma closer to Eva and they sat next to each other. They began chatting with each other like they never were far away. Grandma kissed Eva on the lips and held her hand. Kinsley and I stood watching them as if they were two young girls in the woods sitting on a log holding hands. It was a beautiful moment. I can't wait to see where this relationship will go with Kinsley. I think it's gonna be great. We stood next to each other and wrapped our arms around each other waist. We watched my grandma and her aunt reunite with themselves.

What I learned from my grandmother's story is that she once lost the love of her life long ago and now she has found her again. They are together again... at last.

*That's the final chapter and this book has come to a close. Did you enjoyed this story and don't forget to vote, like, and comment below. Then check out the new update after this. So stay tuned and click the next page.*

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