High School Graduate

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Caroline sits at her desk looking at the two acceptance letters one from Radcliffe College the sister school of her father's Alma Mater Harvard and Yale. In a matter of months, she will graduate from high school and go off to college. The choice of where she will continue her education will be the biggest decision she has made so far.

Even though her father hasn't openly pushed for his firstborn to go to his Alma Mater. He has subtly hinted his support for Caroline to go to Radcliffe. She also knows that he would be a little disappointed if she was to go to Yale which is Harvard's main rival.

"Kids time for dinner," Caroline hears her mother calling from downstairs.

Caroline puts down her acceptance letters and tucks them away back into her desk drawer. With a sigh, she gets up and makes her way down to the dinner table. Patrick and John Jr. are talking about Patrick's upcoming baseball game. Taking her usual seat Caroline sits and stares at her empty plate. She hates having to make this decision, but she knows it must be done.

Jackie comes out of the kitchen to join her family at the dining room table. After grace is said everyone begins to eat their dinner. Caroline picks at her dinner, right now she doesn't feel like eating. Hopefully, her father doesn't ask her about the decision about where she is going.

"Caroline sweetie are you ok?" Jackie asks noticing her daughter picking at her dinner.

"I'm fine mom," Caroline replies before taking a forkful of dinner.

Jack and Jackie look at each other but don't say anything.

"Is everything ok at school Buttons?" Jack asks still using her nickname since she was an infant.

"Yeah dad, I'm fine," she replies.

"Mom can you pass me more spinach," John Jr. says oblivious to his sister's sullen attitude.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Jack asks concerned.

"No, not right now," Caroline replies pushing her food with her fork.

Later on, that night after dinner Caroline lies in bed staring at the ceiling. This decision is causing her more stress than she liked. Just then there is a knock at her door.

"Come in," she says.

Just then her father walks in. "Hey, Buttons is it ok if I and your mother come in?"

"Sure," she replies sitting up in bed.

Jack and Jackie enter their daughter's room and take a seat at the foot of her bed.

"Caroline are you sure everything is ok? Your father and I are worried about you, you just picked away at your dinner earlier," Jackie says concerned.

She sighs and she didn't want to talk about her decision with her parents, considering she doesn't want to disappoint her father if she decides she doesn't want to go to Radcliff.

"I'm just a little stressed out mom, that's all. Trying to decide between Radcliff and Yale."

"Why sweetheart?" Jackie asks.

"Because I just don't want to disappoint you Dad, if I decide not to go there. I know how much it would mean to you if I went to Radcliff but I'm not sure if that is where I want to go."

Jack feels his heartbreak a little as he didn't want his daughter to make an important decision based on how it would make him feel. He would be proud of her regardless of what school she went to.

"Look Buttons, it doesn't matter to me what school you decide to attend. That is your decision and yours alone. No matter what you decide we will always be proud of you," Jack says.

Caroline smiles as she feels a weight come off her shoulders. "Thanks, mom, thanks Dad," she replies.

"You're welcome, sweetheart. Now you get some rest," Jackie says before kissing Caroline good night.

"You're welcome buttons," Jack replies before kissing his daughter good night.

Two months later...

The two proud parents sit among the other parents as they wait for their daughter's name to be called. They can't believe their oldest daughter is soon to be a high school graduate.

Just then the announcer says, "Caroline Bouvier Kennedy."

Caroline begins to walk across the stage to receive her diploma. All the years of hard work have paid off. She stands beside one of the Deans as her picture is taken before she is to take her seat again. After the last graduate is called the Dean comes to the podium.

"Ladies & gentlemen I present to you the graduating class of 1975," He says smiling proudly at the young people before him. Thus causing everyone in the auditorium to erupt into thunderous applause. Giving the students a nod, everyone throws their caps in the air.

Jack holds Jackie against him as she begins to shed a few tears of happiness. Their little Buttons is all grown up. Soon she will be heading off to Radcliff college.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2022 ⏰

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