High School Freshman

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Caroline lies in bed staring at the ceiling tomorrow she starts her first day at Georgetown Visitation Preparatory School. Tomorrow she will officially be a high school freshman. Starting in a new world completely different than her middle school years at Blessed Sacrament. Now she will be in a brand new world much bigger than before.

She turns off her light and tries to fall asleep. After fifteen minutes of tossing and turning she reaches over to her lamp to turn the light back on. Sitting up in bed she sits there wondering should she go talk to her mom and dad about her building anxiety. Although she is excited to start her new school, she still is scared of the unknown.

Will I make new friends, will everyone treat me differently because my dad is a former President... her thoughts continued to toss about inside her head.

Not wanting to wait too much longer and risk her parents already asleep, Caroline gets out of bed and makes her way to their bedroom. She quietly pushes open the door to see her mother fast asleep. Yet she doesn't see a trace of her father anywhere.

Dad is probably still in his study, she thinks to herself.

Quietly she closes the door to its previous position before heading downstairs. Once downstairs she heads to her father's study. One of the few places in their home where he spends most of his time. Even though he isn't President anymore, he still maintains somewhat a busy schedule as he gives speeches all over the United States.

She arrives outside she notices the door to his study is cracked. Peeping through she sees father concentrated on whatever document he is reading over. Taking a deep breath she lightly taps on the door.

"Come in," she hears the familiar Boston accented voice command.

"Hey Dad, do you have a minute," she inquires as she opens the door.

Jack looks up to see his daughter standing in front of him.

"Of course Buttons, what are you still doing up?" he inquires putting his paperwork down.

"I can't sleep," Caroline says taking a seat in one of her father's upholstered chairs directly in front of his desk, "I'm nervous about tomorrow."

"What are you nervous about?" Jack asks getting up joining his daughter in the chair beside her. 

"A lot of things Dad, what if I don't fit in? It's not like when I was in eighth grade anymore where I had all my friends or my cousins there. It's just me," Caroline replies looking down at her hands. 

"Come here Buttons," Jack says motioning for her to sit on his lap. 

Slowly she gets up and he helps her onto his lap. He hugs her and places a kiss on her soft blonde hair that is starting to darken. Although Caroline has her mother's personality, she inherited her father's looks. 

"Everything will be ok. I know it may seem scary right now but things may work out better than you think. You just have to be optimistic. You never know you may make new friends, and meet new people. 

"You think I can do it, Dad?" Caroline asks looking into her father's eyes. 

"I have no doubts, besides you're a Kennedy," he replies.

Caroline smiles a little and lays her head on his shoulder. "Dad, can you come with mom and me in the morning." 

"Of course, I wouldn't miss my Button's first day of high school."



"Can you not call me Buttons when you come with us tomorrow."

Jack smiles and kisses her forehead, "I'll try not to..."

The next morning...

Caroline is watching the houses pass by as she rides in the back seat of her parent's car. They are currently en route to her new school. Since they left the house there hasn't been one word uttered, and the only sound is the engine of her father's car and from the radio. 

Five minutes later they arrive in front of the massive building with the name Georgetown Visitation Preparatory School emboldened on a large banner. Right underneath is another banner that reads "Welcome Class of 1975." 

"Well Buttons we're here," Jack says breaking the silence. 

Without a word she gets out of the car, clutching the strap of her backpack. Nerves are building up inside her. She has no idea how her first day is going to turn out, but she prays that it will be a good day. 

"Caroline, aren't you going to say goodbye to your father and me," she hears her mother's voice through all the chatter that surrounds them. 

She turns and walks towards her parents whom she hugs and they both kiss her forehead. 

"Have a good day sweetie, you are going to be just fine," Jackie says smiling at her daughter. 

"Of course she is Jackie, she's a Kennedy. Go knock them dead kiddo," Jack smiles at his daughter. 

"Thanks, mom, thanks dad," she says with a small smile before turning to face the main entrance to the school. 

She takes a deep breath and begins to walk towards the entrance. Jack snakes his arms around his wife's small waist pulling her close. 

"I can't believe it, my little girl is in high school," he says breaking the semi-silence between them. 

"Me neither," Jackie says before letting out a breath she didn't realize she was holding, "In three years it will be John's turn, then in six it will be Patrick's turn."

"You know after we take the boys to school...we can go home and make another," Jack replies winking at her. 

"Jack, please, I am forty-two years old. I think it's a little too late for us to start over. Besides Jack you are already past fifty are you sure you want to start over?"

He pauses and thinks about it for a few moments. "No, maybe we shouldn't start over, but we can go home and practice."

She blushes. Jack getting a little frisky with her all these years later still brings color to her cheeks. 

"So what do you say, you wanna go home and take me up on my offer."

"Let's go," Jackie replies getting out of her husband's embrace, making her way towards the car. 

Later on that afternoon...

Jack and Jackie sit in front of the school waiting for their daughter to come out. They both are a little anxious about hearing how Caroline's first day of high school went. 

"I hope she had a good day," Jackie says.

"Me too, but she would've been fine. She's strong like her mother," Jack replies taking his wife's hand. 

Jackie smiles and continues to look for her daughter. Just then they see Caroline coming out chatting excitedly with a few girls. 

Caroline spots her parent's cars and makes her way over to them before waving goodbye to her new friends. 

"Hi mom, hi dad?" Caroline says happily when she gets into the car.

"Hi sweetie how was your day?" Jackie inquires. 

"Today was great. I love my new school. I met a lot of new people and made some new friends. I like my teachers, I'm looking forward to tomorrow already," Caroline rambles excitedly. 

"That's great Buttons, we're glad you had a good first day at school. 

"Me too, tomorrow in science class we're going to begin our first science project focusing on kinetic energy."

"Sounds good baby, me and your father are happy you like your new school. 

"Yes, thanks mom, thanks, dad."

 "You're welcome Buttons," Jack replies smiling at his daughter in the rearview mirror. 

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