chapter 24

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i was mad. honestly, why was he so embarrassed to be seen with me? actually, i don't give a fuck. that's on him. he kept texting me, but i didn't give a fuck. i heard there was a party tonight. i decided to go to it. i got dressed, i put on a cute dress and did my make up.

i posted it on my story

i posted it on my story

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i snuck out. i got there and i was having the best time of my life. i was dancing drinking and shit. then i saw him, then some girl kissed him. he pulled away so fast, it was still very upsetting tho. i cried. i had to walk past them to get to the door. i walked past him so fast crying. "y/n!" he shouted. i picked up my pace. "y/n please!" he called out again. "you were embarrassed to be with me, then go kiss another girl?" i shout. "bro that's not even it, she fucking kissed me, i didn't kiss back and i pulled away. i didn't kiss her back and i didn't even want her to kiss me" he said. "move," i said walking back inside. i got a drink and partied more jaden came and found me. by than i had drinken 3 more drinks.

"you need to go home." he said. "whatever dad," i said. "y/n, what is your problem recently?" jaden asked. "nothing, im perfectly fine. If you don't like it then we can just break up," i started crying. i pushed passed him. "y/n.." he said chasing after me. he grabbed me turned me around and kissed. "i love you y/n," he said. "you do?" i asked. "yes," he said. "then why are you so embarrassed to be around me, or for people to know.." i asked. "cause ur always in trouble." he said. "jaden, i don't try too. most of the time it's not even cause of me," i said.

"i don't know what's wrong with me j.. i hate being like this, i hate not caring." i said. "i'm sorry ma," he said. "can i bring you home now.?" he said. "yeah.." i said. i got home, mom and dad were in the living room. "where were you?"  dad said. "walton's," i said walking away. "DRESSED LIKE THAT?" mom yelled. "it was for a tik tok trend, we went to mcdonald's dressed fancy, look it up mom." i said. she surprisingly believe it. i don't know how she didn't see i was drunk or smell it. i fell asleep waking up super sick.

jayla asked if i wanted to come over, i walked over there an when i got to the door, the girl that was kissing jaden last night was walking up to the door. i opened the door and got inside before she could reach it.

jaden was in the kitchen waiting for the door, "your girlfriends outside jaden," i said storming up to jaylas room. "you good girl?" jayla asked. i gulped. "the girl that was kissing jaden is here. he was waiting for her too." i said nervously. "let's go down there," she said. "o-ok," i said. jayla was yelling at them calling jaden dumb and shit calling the girl a home wrecker. "i'm gonna be sick.." i said, i ran to the bathroom. shut and locked the door really fast. i threw up, i sat there crying. i had so much anxiety, i didnt know what to do. "jayla, i'm gonna go home.. i cant stand to see him with her right now.." i said.

"y/n please," jaden said. "no jaden, we should take a break." i said walking out. "w-what?" he said. "jaden this is the same shit that i went through with javon. you guys are just cheaters. i'll see you around jaden," i said. "seriously y/n, let me explain.." he said. "fine jaden," i said. i don't know, i feel like i forgave him by doing that.. he seemed sincere and like her coming over wasn't what he wanted. we walked back inside. "gabby you need to leave. we aren't a thing, do not talk to me, don't touch me, nothing. leave," jaden said.

"come in, we can talk in my room.." he said. we walked up there and i sat down on his bed. "explain" i said. "or i'm leaving." i said. "she came on to me, she was kissing me. i pulled away and told her i had a girlfriend. she been trying to talk to me for a while, then she showed up here. i didn't ask her too didn't text her anything. i don't even know how she found my address. i don't like her and never will. i love you, not her. your my girlfriend, not her." jaden said. "oh," i said. i felt dumb, embarrassed. i didn't know what to say besides 'oh'.

"oh?" he said repeating me. "i don't know jaden, i'm sorry," i said. "maybe 'oh it's okay', or' sorry i didnt know' or even a 'i should've asked before assuming'," jaden said. "look i'm sorry, i just thought that i was right and you were cheating, and you were like javon." i said. "well i'm not like javon, i don't cheat. if i wanted gabby i would've left you for her. did i?" he said. "n-no," i said. "exactly," jaden said. "jaden.. i'm sorry," i said. "it's fine, i don't care y/n," he said. i went to hug him and he pushed me off him. i started crying, i didn't say a word to him. i got up and left. jayla saw me crying and chased after me. 

"y/n? what happened?" she said. "i don't wanna talk about it," i said and kept walking out the door. i went home and texted jaden. 'please come over' i said.

jaden's pov**

"what happened with y/n?" jayla said bursting into my room. "i told her what happened she said oh and i flipped out. i yelled at her then she tried to hug me i pushed her away." i said. "jaden, you can't do that," she said. "well i did," i said. "god your like worse than javon," she said.

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