Chapter 42

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Critical condition?


Rosa's heart drummed against her chest. With a shadow of guilt, her amber eyes lifted to meet Cristiano's dark gaze. His associates had all become targets, very possibly, because of her. Grim-faced and stoic, he stared back at Rosa without saying a word, but she sensed that their minds were racing to the same conclusion.

Without hesitation, Rosa asked, "Do you think it was Mesrine?"

"I have many enemies, so it could be anyone," replied Cristiano in a diplomatic manner, "but Mesrine is definitely on my list of suspects."

Mesrine definitely sat at the top of her list. The timing felt too coincidental. This "car accident" had to be tied to Mesrine somehow. Rosa's suspicions coiled around her like a suffocating vice. Marcello was a corpse. Clarisse and Evita were fatally injured. The driver had been kidnapped, unless—

Her mind took a sharp turn.


The driver wasn't a victim?

Could he be one of Mesrine's moles?

Sharply, Rosa pointed out, "You mentioned that their driver was missing."


"How well do you know the driver? Was he a new hire?"

Cristiano's brow creased. "His name was Amadeo. Amadeo Orsini. He is not new. He has been with me for about a year."

A whole year?

Rosa frowned. "So, you trust him?"

"Amadeo is Vosa's cousin," Cristiano explained, "Vosa forced me to hire him. Amadeo has been keeping tabs on me for Vosa."

"He is Vosa's spy, hein?"

Cristiano nodded ruefully. "It was part of the agreement between Vosa and me. I have a few of my men spying on Vosa as well."

Rosa frowned thoughtfully.

Perhaps, Amadeo wasn't Mesrine's mole, then?

A new concern emerged. "Will Amadeo's disappearance cause problems with Vosa?"

In oddly unbothered tones, Cristiano confirmed, "Absolutely. He will be livid with me. Amadeo was like a brother to him."

She cursed, "Fuck."

He dipped his head in agreement. "Fuck, indeed."

"We will have to bring Amadeo back alive, then."

"We?" he repeated.

"Oui! I am your woman now, and you are my man, non?" Rosa declared passionately. "You and I are a team. I may very well be responsible for this fucking mess. Therefore, I am responsible for unfucking everything. I must help you save the ones who are still alive. The ones who can be saved."

Like Evita and Clarisse.

Like Amadeo.

May Marcello's soul rest in peace, she prayed silently.

"Is that so?"

She sighed in distress. "I suspect Mesrine's hand in their accident. It appears he has lashed out at us before we could strike at him."

Approval shone from his face. "I like the way your mind works. I knew I did not bring you to Catanzaro for nothing."

They needed to focus on resolving this catastrophe. Brushing aside his praise, Rosa stayed the course and exclaimed, "Pardon, but I disagree! You will most certainly regret bringing me to Catanzaro unless Amadeo comes back to us. Alive. Otherwise, your alliance with Vosa will be terminé. Finished. We need Vosa to take down Mesrine. You said so yourself."

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