Chapter 62

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Hysteria crept up her throat.

Could this be the beginning of her end?

The hallway was littered with the blood and fallen forms of Mesrine's bodyguards. With a gun lodged against her throat and another locked on Mesrine, Rosa's wild-eyed gaze stretched between the two men who now held her fate in their hands. One had let her sink a bullet in his flesh. Just to win back her trust. The other had murdered their daughter in cold blood. Just to prove a point.

Was Cristiano about to walk away?

More than anything, Rosa wished to believe that he'd stay and fight for her. Within such proximity, the contrast between Cristiano and Mesrine was jarring. Mesrine was the terrifying abyss that had always threatened to swallow her whole, and Cristiano was the closest she'd ever get to paradise and purgatory before drawing her final breath.

Gold locked on devil-black.

For a fleeting second, Mesrine's presence faded to nothingness even with his body shoved against hers, gripping her in an immovable vice. Rosa only had eyes for Cristiano. Her heart clenched with desperation as she sought out its owner. Love grew more and more potent with every fluttering beat. Just in case the next pulse might be her last.

Je t'aime, mon beau.

I love you, my beautiful one.

Battered and bruised in more ways than one, her adrenaline was soon replaced by exhaustion. She felt weary of fighting. Her soul weighed too much for mere flesh and bone to carry.

Puissions-nous nous revoir dans la prochaine vie.

May we meet again in the next life.

A sting hit the back of her eyes.

Si nous ne sommes pas censés être dans celui-ci.

If we are not meant to be in this one.

No matter how hard she tried to make things right, happiness and peace always seemed far out of reach. Despite her meticulous preparations and fierce resolve to fight until the bitter end, defeat now felt closer than victory. Mesrine wasn't going to let her live. Not after everything she'd done to sabotage his authority. The fucker's God complex simply couldn't live it down.

Emotions brimmed and swelled in Rosa's chest, threatening to overspill. She refused to shatter, though. Not now. Not in front of Mesrine. He didn't deserve to see her tears.

Tension coiled around the three of them like serpents, binding their destinies as one. Rosa tried to stay calm and vigilant, awaiting an opportunity to break free from her blue-eyed captor. Her survival would depend on how these next few seconds played out.

Even if luck was on her side, however, would she escape this wedding unscathed?

The barrel of the gun felt like death on her skin. The end seemed closer than ever. Her gaze snapped back to Cristiano, scrutinizing him sharply. It suddenly occurred to Rosa that she was very much like Eve. Not Eve Davies. But the very first one. From Eden. And Cristiano was her Adam. Together, they'd become trapped in this nightmare where their love was being tested against Mesrine's offer. Demons whispered doubts into her heart. She was tempted to believe in the worst of Cristiano. The bastard had resisted temptation once.

Walk away now, Massera, and leave her with me.

But could he do it again?

Then, you will be given the address to find your sister and niece, and everyone will be happy.

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