Ace is alive!?

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||welp here I come again with another part! It's so cringe I didn't even expect this many of you guys to read it haha. But thank you all I hope you enjoy! Oh and you guys are the only reason why I still try my best on these.||

3rd POV
Ace was staring at the man as he said his name. 'Fire.. fist?' He asks himself. Why did he call him that? Older Luffy ran over to the young boys. He seemed to have anger in his eyes directed at the boys. "That'd not fire fist, fire fist is dead idiot!" Some marine shouted out. "Yea... but maybe he had a c-" the marine starts but is cut off by older Luffys punch. "Gah!" Is the last thing he said. Older Luffy turns to the boys and says "you guys I told you to stay!" But Ace seems to lost in thought to hear him. 'I'm dead.. is that why everyone is acting weird!?' He asks himself. "I'm dead but how!" He finally says out loud.

Older Sabo runs over and grabs ASL kids. "Luffy come" said Sabo as he runs in the sleeping quarters. Older Luffy hesitantly follows. Once in there Sabo seems to look a little angry. He sighs and says "future Ace is dead he died two years ago.." older Sabo says. Luffy starts crying huddling close to Ace. Ace seems to go to push him away but stops. 'I mean he is my younger brother and we just found out I was dead... so I guess I'll let him stay..' Ace tells himself. "I don't want Ace to die!!" Luffy starts crying out. Older Luffy looks so pained. "It was horrible.." Older Luffy tells them. "How did I die?" Ace asks. "You died trying to protect... me" Luffy says looking up. Ace just seems to smile at that then looks down at his younger brother. 'At least you got to live..' Ace says in head. "Why are you smiling!?" Sabo says trying not to cry. Sabo then runs to Ace hugging him.

After some time of the boys crying and hugging. They seem to not have noticed the older them left. Choper then walks in. "Are any of you hurt?!" He asks going to examine them. "No" Ace says. Luffy seems to have fallen asleep not noticing anything. "Oh well I saw Sabo and Luffy rush you guys in here" Chopper tells them. "I was to busy fighting so I couldn't help.." Choper finishes. "We're fine but why didn't anyone tell us i was dead?" Ace asks Choper. Choper flinched. "You found out?..." Choper asks them.

Future Luffy POV
I went outside to go fight again. I was still angry at that marine for telling them Ace was dead. Sabo puts his hand on my shoulder asking if alright. I just nod. I then walk into the mass of fighting hitting every marine I see. I get so angry at one that mentions Ace again I lose myself. I just hit and hit over and over. I had to get dragged off by Zoro who seems to notice something was wrong. "Luffy" he says. After he says my name I seem to understand what I did. I killed him.

"Luffy-ya!" Law yells as he runs over. Zoro hand me over to him whispering something to him. 'I killed someone?..'  I ask myself. "Hey look at me" Law tells me. I look at him. "The kids found out they were dead.." I tell him. Law just rubs my back. "It's alright" he tells me. I smile at him. "Let's go inside the fighting is almost over" he says. "Nooo I don't wanna!" I start to whine still wanting to fight. Law sighs and says "you never listen do you Luffy-ya.. always doing what you please" he says as he chuckles. I get up and start to get back to fighting.

After all the fighting we go to the kitchen. "Luffy what happened out there you weren't yourself?" Nami asks looking concerned. "Shishishi I just had a little something happen I'm fine now!" I tell them smiling. "Luffy yo-" Nami starts to say getting up but is stopped by Robin. Robin smiles at me then looks back at Nami. "He seems to be fine now no need to pry Nami" Robin tells her.

"I'm hungry Sanji make something to eat!" I yell out. "But we just ate an hour ago!" Sanji yells at me "shishishi" I laugh with a smile on my face. "Well I'm hungry after all that fighting!" I tell him. Sigh "what are we gonna do with your stupid appetite..." Sanji says shaking his head. But Sanji goes over and makes food.

||sorry guys I didn't update for a while but here you go. I actually saw a comment telling me to update. I'm surprised people actually like this and want more😂. It got kinda rushed but I hope you like it! Have a good day or night.||
Words: 838

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