'Calm' day

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3rd person POV
Nami, and Robin sit bathing in the sum while Chopper sets some herbs down to dry. Sanji is in the kitchen cooking up snacks for Nami and Robin. Older Luffy runs around the deck playing with Usopp and ASL. Zoro is just lounging in the grass perked up by a tree. Law sits watching older Luffy play drowsly. Finally we have Sabo and Franky chatting.

What a calm day for our favorite strawhats. Isn't it a little strange? Well here you go let's make it not so calm why don't we!

Older Luffy stops putting his hand out pushing Usopp to the floor. Ace and Luffy fall along with and Sabo stops. "Hey Nami!" Older Luffy yells. Nami looks up and says "what is it now". "I'm getting bored..." older Luffy tells her. "Well then go find something to do if your bored idiot!" She yells at him.

Older Luffy smiles then jumps off the ship. He then runs off into the forest. Nami jumps up realizing what happened. "Luffy! Come back" she yells at him. Luffy was to far gone. Nami then mutters something to herself and sits back down. "Can someone go after Luffy" she asks out. Zoro sighs and goes to look for him. "Hey Zoro-ya I'll go with ya" said Law as he sits up. Zoro looks back at him and says "k". He them jumps off the ship and waits for law. Law follows behind Zoro. "K let's go" says law.

After an hour of looking. Law and Zoro went different ways after 30 minutes. Law said it would be quicker. Zoro agreed and they set off. Surprisingly Law is the one who found him.

"Yo Luffy-ya what are you doin" Law asks. Luffy looks up and smiles saying "It's a secret~". Law sighs. Law then sits next to a tree. "Toaro? Why are you here?" Luffy asks. "Nami asked someone to find you" Law tells him. "But she's the one who told me I could leave shishishi" Luffy says. Luffy looks at Law for a moment then sits down next to him. "What are you doing now Luffy-ya?" Law asks. "Sitting next to my lover" Luffy tells him. Law leans close to Luffy and says "oh yea~" raising an eyebrow. Luffy just blinks not understanding. "Well yes isn't that what they do?" Luffy asks. Law chuckles and leans back. "Yes yes they do" he tells him.

Back on the ship with the others. "Hey Nami" Ace asks. "Hm yes" she responds looking up. Ace seems to be about to speak but Luffy interrupts "we wanna know how all of you guys joined!!". "Owh now that's a good idea if we all tell them how we joined!" Franky says doing his signature pose. Robin chuckles and says "yes that sounds like a wonderful idea" she then smiles. "It would be best if we went in order of who joined- but we don't have Zoro..." Nami says. "Why don't we wait for him Nami?" Chopper says(ah Chopper is my favorite he's so cute!!). Sigh "I guess so but we might be waiting a while" Nami says.

After a few of waiting amazingly Zoro shows up. "Huh how am I back at the ship?" Zoro questions scratching his head. "Hey Zoro did you find Luffy!" Usopp yells out. Zoro just boards and says "nope but I don't know how I'm back". "Well great timing we're gonna tell the kids how we joined" Nami says pulling him to them. "And since you were first you get to start" she says as they get to them and smiles. 'Ugh what a witch' zoro tells himself. "Fine" he says as he sits down.

|Haha sorry for the long wait I guess I just haven't had the motivation. And ig school but I might post more now that schools ended. I hope you enjoy this and have a good day or night.|

Words: 660

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