The end?

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||this is gonna be the finish, so sorry if you guys wanted the rest of how the strawhats joined. I apologize. I just lost my motivation for this story and just can't seem to be able to write. I deeply apologize and might just start a new story. "||

3rd POV
As the strawhats sat there waiting for lunch, they seemed to have lost track of ASL. Meanwhile, ASL is out in the forest again, finding some big animal to defeat.  With no luck, I might add. They actually ran into older Luffy and Law cuddling.

"Ewww!" The boys yell, Ace covering Luffys eyes as Ace and Sabo look away. As they yell, it startles the half asleep Law.

"What are you guys doing here?? Aren't you supposed to be on the ship?" Law asks them, glaring obviously annoyed he was interrupted.

"We just wanted to fight a beast!" Luffy says with a bit of pout.

"But we haven't found anything it's like their in hiding or something..." Sabo chips in knowing Luffy wasn't gonna finish.

"I've actually noticed that also it's like this island has an ominous feeling sending all away." Law chimes in. "It actually has me on my nerves..." he finishes looking around like something was about to jump out at him.

"What really? I didn't notice," Luffy asks, clearly unfazed and clueless.

"Of course you didn't dummy," Ace says, rolling his eyes. But Luffy didn't seem to hear him and was wandering off towards something interesting.

"Hey!! Lu, what do you think you're doing? " Ace yells after him, following behind. Sabo joins in yelling for them to wait up. Law sighs, making no attempt to follow. But suddenly, Luffy stops, causing Ace to run into him and Sabo him.

"Lu, why did you stop?" Sabo asks, rubbing his head. Luffy points at a rock.

"It's the same one we found at home!!" Luffy yells, looking back at the other two. Both boys look.

"Oh, it is!" Ace says, picking it up. By that time, Law had actually got up to see what the fuss was.

"What is it now-" he asks, but the three boys disappear. Law is shocked for a moment, then realizes they must have been sent back to their timeline.

-with ASL-

The boys wake up in the middle of the forest, confused. They just continue on like nothing happened since they have no memory of the incident.

                  -THE END \(^o^)/-

||I'm starting a few new stories, but they won't be out for a while since I still have no motivation for writing and I have school. But I know how it feels when someone doesn't finish a story on here so I had to get this out I hope you enjoyed. Byeeee! Have a good day or night.

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