Tell Me The Truth

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*The Next Day*

At the meeting, I appeared wearing toman's uniform

At the meeting, I appeared wearing toman's uniform

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And I could feel all eyes were on me. Is it their first time seeing a woman or

Baji's eyes were glued on me as well, I coughed and he looked away and said, "Hey eyes off of her. She's in my girl and don't you dare to look at her" loud enough for everyone to hear. Wait when did I became his girl?

Draken suddenly appeared behind Baji and said, "Your girl?"

" I mean Draken's sister. Eyes off of Draken's sister" Baji said, stammering with fear.

"Good" Draken said and went forward. I couldn't control my laughter anymore.

Takemitchy also attended the meeting in the uniform. "You look good" I said.

"Ahh definitely not your look" said Draken.

"I'm pretty sure the jacket's wearing me" Takemitchy said and we all laughed.

"I formally welcome you two to Toman" Draken announced.

"Thank you so much, Vice -commander" we bowed and went near our captains. Baji asked me, "What's up with the bullet scar?"

"Got shot while working back in India"

"Does it still hurt?"


"That's a relief"

Then Mikey showed up with about a hundred members of Valhalla. Most of the Valhalla members, including Hanma quit because Kisaki was kicked out of Toman. I was made the temporary Captain of the 3rd Division till Pah's discharge. Those 100 Valhalla members joined under me along with Kazutora as the Vice Captain.

Things went smoothly from then, almost a month went by, there weren't many attacks and my arm's almost completely healed just a scar is visible but that's nothing new. There were no further order from the headquarters as well. Today is 3rd December, Baji's birthday (a/n- according to my story) we celebrated with all our friends. After the party, Baji asked me to come with him to a place. I agreed and we rode off. He took me into the woods. I asked, "Is it safe here?"

"Of course" he replied and lead me to a bank of a river. We laid down there silently watching the starry sky along with the sweet sound of the river flowing. What a beautiful site. I've forgotten the last time I've viewed a site as beautiful as this and felt this peaceful. I've visited many beautiful places around the world but those memories of beauty always turns into memories of blood shed, deattached body parts lying on the ground. This is the best mission I've ever been a part of. Sometimes I even forget that I'm working.

While I was going through my memories, Baji suddenly said, "I have something to tell you"

"Go ahead" I said although I can guess where this conversation is going.

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