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the sound of keys rattling was heard as rania closes her locker, locking it. fixing the hem of the pink scrub she's wearing while walking out from the room, her eyes roams through the quiet hall. it's definitely a good sign if the emergency hallway is empty.

her phone buzzes, automatically creeps up a smile on the face. swiping the notifications displaying on the screen, she giggles as she saw who those texts came from.

a simple 'good morning,love' was already enough to make her heart do somersaults throughout the day, especially when it's from him. the little things he do for her, sometimes she wonders what deed she did in the past for the universe to let them crossed each other's path.

in simpler words, she never really thinks that she deserves him at all.

he's like a man that's written by a woman. truly, she dared swearing that she never thought a man like him would even exist; someone who would risk all of it for the one they love, but somehow.. kim younghoon managed to waves all of the bad impressions she had for men, in general.

never once she thought that she'd settled down with a marriage but here she is, looking at the sweet text from a person who she acknowledges as her fiancé. a person who just turned all those romantic proposals scenes in movies came true, only for her.

replying with a quick selfie, she then walk to the pantry section. taking a cup with her favourite coffee sachet in her hand, a smile creeps up once again as her mind flew off to the thoughts of younghoon.

definitely living everyone's dream.

suddenly, a loud thud echoes through the whole pantry. rania quickly turns, holding the cup firmly as she was that close to throw the poor cup away as reflex. she sighs upon seeing what's happening infront of her.

"what was that, lee hyunjae?" she frowns, making the latter facing her.

hyunjae stares at her for a quick second, before deciding against the urge to talk back to her, not by the fact that she's older by two years. his lips forms into straight thin line as he grabs a cup in the cupboard harshly, ignoring rania.

"wow, now im that invisible for you i see," rania spat.

he kept on ignoring her as he do his morning coffee, without sparing hardly any glance. rania felt challenged, automatically walking towards him; snatching the cup he's holding away.

"what is your problem? if i did some shit that hurt you just tell me, don't be an ass !" she raises her voice.

he looks at her, and she could swear there's tears brimming before he walks out in rush.

rania blinks multiple times, trying to comprehend what had just happened. "did i do something wrong ?" she scratches her head, getting more confused.

as she gets more confused by hyunjae's sudden attitude, the pager that was clipped on her pants beeps loudly. rania quickly finishes off her thing in the pantry and rushes to the code room that paged.

finding herself running towards lee juyeon's room, she increased her pace. panic starts to overwhelm her by bit, thinking that sara must've been struggling keeping the patient alive when he's coding.

he's on that thin line between life and death, afterall. the surgery is indeed his last shot. literally do or die.

running into the wide open room, the situation looks like a thunderstorm just passed. rania stops, scanning her surrounding as she walks close to the terrified doctor infront of her. she slowly pats her back, muttering something to console the person who's basically holding the manual oxygen pump; the only source transmitting oxygen into lee juyeon's body.

sara had her eyes widened, her whole body wants to shake so bad but her brain disagrees. the whole thing that happened before rania came in, was.. a little too much for her brain to accept.

deep in her heart, she's thanking god and every possible universe for giving her such nerves to withstand the sight of patient under her care, facing the near death experience.

"you can slowly release the pump, doctor chae.. his heart rate is increasing by now," rania voices out, looking at the stunned doctor.

"ah.. yes. right, i will.. put this away" she stutters, carefully putting the oxygen pump away from juyeon's mouth. sara exhales, finally felt relieved seeing the monitor displaying good numbers. she had her head hangs low, trying to recollect her heart that dropped down the floor instantly after the machine alarms went off.

rania's hands move swiftly, taking the oxygen pump from the doctor. she brings the thing away, wiping it with wipes. taking a glance at sara, she immediately finishes off what she's been doing and walk right back to her.

"great save, doctor chae." rania starts, complimenting her.

sara sighs, eyes still looking at the patient who's laying flat. "what if he died before the surgery? what if we fail him?"

"doctor that's beyond our control, we can't decide whether a person lives or dies.. it's their own written fate and all we can do is help, nothing more if they die then they die" rania lets out sternly.

"but we have to save them, we took an oath rania !"

"okay then tell me how the hell do you resurrect someone who's dead? is there any way ? doctor chae, if the person is dead then be it ! you're a goddamn doctor, sara chae you should've known better !"

rania's sharp glance made sara looked away. she breathes, taking a step away from the bed. sara sighs again, finally having the courage to look rania in the face again.

"sorry, rania. never meant to scream at you, i was just.. stressed"

rania keep on staring at her, slightly squinting her eyes. she scoffs, "what in the world is going on with all of you doctors?"

sara looks down, heaving countless sighs.

"just.. stressed"

"oh come on, now you guys acting like i don't know any of you. if something is bothering your mind, you know im all ears ?" rania lets out, this time with more of a mommy tone; worried for her children.

smiling at the nurse, sara walks closer to the door; trying to find every way possible to escape the motherly talk. rania knows her well enough that she doesn't hold her back, instead she just watches her walk away.

if she wants to talk, she will talk somehow.. eventually. just don't push her, the woman hates it.

"i'll tell you when the time is right, have a nice day rania."

and rania knows this side of her too well too surprisingly. there's only a few reasons could be the cause of the mood change, and for now it's so clear that she doesn't even need to think that hard on why in the world would the two of the doctors reacting that way.

"okay, sara. just don't keep it until it got you. you know what i mean" rania replies with a smile on her face, a very concerned but genuine one.

there must be something off.. between the two doctors; the two kids. and ofcourse, as the unpaid mother slash babysitter, rania knows the two of them too well for this.

as her eyes trails sara who finally disappears between the doors, she shakes her head slowly. turning around to the sight of juyeon, slightly struggling to breathe on his own.

"hold on, lee juyeon. you've come so far for this. just keep on breathing; one day someone will pull you out of this misery and-" she stops, inhaling some air.

"you'd finally be able to chase whatever in life that you want."

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