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"it's just a silly crush, god I'll get over it next week"

holding the fluid bag with her hands, unaware with the surroundings as the mind busy travelling everywhere but the present. the funny thoughts overpowered her brain once again; naturally, she lets out a scoff.

"but why does he seems more attractive the more i look at him now..?" she huffs, "i mean okay he's attractive and all but why in world god made me realised that just now?"

"maybe you've liked him since a very long time and was in denial ?"

a voice startles the doctor. she turns around, finally realising that she's basically voicing out the inner thoughts outloud. pushing her bangs back, looking everywhere but the patient infront who's smiling sneakily.

"oh come on doctor, you can tell me about that crush you've been denying over; i won't tell anyone-it's not like i can, im dying anyway.."

"with all due and respect mr lee, you are not dying." she inhales sharply, looking at the chart on her hand. "and no- i won't tell you about it because you are going to live." pressing her tone slightly while her eyes avoiding any form of eye contact.

the latter lets out a soft laugh, automatically holding his chest; slightly pushing it, applying some pressure in hope to lessen the pain. sara quickly walk to his side, asking if he's fine.

"im fine, seems like this heart i have pumping blood into my body is just too fragile ?" he laughs again, this time his hand were no longer on the chest.

after they were done with overall check up, sara took a seat beside his bed; brushing her bangs back once again. it's like a habit that developed in her since she was kindergarten aged, sometimes work on calming the nerves that always shoots up.

she then helped juyeon fixing his comforter, expecting him wanting to lay down but he sits up straight. she puts two extra pillows behind his back for extra support, something she'd normally do when a patient wants to sit up on their bed.

"so.. tell me about the crush," juyeon smiles, nonchalantly.

her eyes went wide as she starts fidgeting with her fingers. "it's been an hour why did he still remember?" she mumbles slowly to herself. "doctor.. i may have complicated heart problems but that doesn't associate with my hearings at all. you know i can hear you, right?"

"right.. no, but seriously why do you even wanna know ?" she asks with scrunched up eyebrows. he smiles once again, taking a deep breath.

"is it the other surgeon with the dark blue scrubs? the one who usually takes the lead in everything, chief or something..?"

sara shakes her head fast, "hell no not him god I'll bury myself seven foot deep if i ever caught myself falling for him.. he's my bestfriend's boyfriend, chief kim younghoon by the way"

"woah wrong step i went.. aha !"

her body jerks off for the second time in that room, chuckles of amusement rings in her ears. "would you stop doing that, mr lee?"

"what did i do wrong ?" he scoffs. "scaring people off ? that's not cool," she pouts, which he can see clearly from his view.

"okay okay my apologies, doctor chae- but i think i know who the crush is.." juyeon wiggles his eyebrows, making her stomach mushes out the nervousness. she raises her eyebrows, waiting for his answer.

"the doctor who came in with you during my first appointment here.. i only remembered his surname though, because we shared the same one; doctor lee ?"

sara frowns upon hearing the name he guessed. she looks up, coincidentally meeting juyeon's gaze. a very cute smile appears on his face for the nth time, " it's definitely him damn."

"don't say anything to anyone about this. if anyone ever finds out, you're done for good mr lee" she massages her temple dramatically, with the other hand fanning herself.

she looks at him giggling again, "you really do love to smile and laugh, don't you ?"

"i mean what other things i can do besides those ? plus someone said my smile is healing.. best compliment I've ever gotten," juyeon replies, this time he's the one brushing his hair back. "what made you fell for him ? ofcourse it's fine if you don't want to share it with me-"

"he's my bestfriend since we were kids.." she cuts off. "it's like, i just can't imagine a world without him in it or if we never met.."

juyeon looks at her as she shifts on her seat, sitting more comfortably. "i never really saw him as a man until recently,"

"so you-"

"yes frankly speaking i think it's a new feeling, it just sort of.. happened without me even realising it," she continues.

he nods slowly, "must be something that pushed the agenda ?"

"we were joking, i mean don't get me wrong we are that close that we don't mind joking about literally anything in the world and i was.. i.. sort of jokingly asked him to kiss me-"

he gasps loud, dramatically bringing his hand closing his gaped mouths. "so he did...?"

she closes her eyes, trying to woo out the image of the night playing on her head once again. her hands ball fists, sighing out frustration as she opens her eyes back.

"yea and now fuck i can't seem to be getting that out of my head," she rolls his eyes; only to realised what she just said after a few good seconds. "oh my god i didn't mean to swear, i am so sorry mr lee-"

" no no it's fine ! as if i never cursed, we're humans and still young; it's no big deal. oh and by the way, just call me juyeon.. im pretty sure we're only around the same age and you adressing me as mr lee made me feel old." he lets out, slightly pouting.

"what? no.. i can't do that, you are my patient and i am your doctor that'd be unprofessional," she hesitates. "i thought we're already friends by now," he pouts, looking down.

"i mean i already know about your crush doesn't that made us friends ? come on.. call me juyeon and i'll call you sara, friends does that right ?"

"stop talking about him !" she yells, only to be caught off guard second later as someone walked in.

"talk about who ?"

juyeon laughs a little too loud seeing the person who just burst in without warning, slightly feeling bad for sara who seems like she's the one suffering with heart attacks now. sara shifts her eyes while her hands starts to sweat. "none of your business," she spat.

"ouch, well then miss chae you've got a meeting with the chief to attend to right now regarding the surgery plans for patient lee juyeon as the heart we've been waiting is already here.. and the chief sent me here to cover up for you so i hope you can find your way out right now" he spat back, resulting her to roll eyes.

"shut up i'll go now, just.. just don't mess the patient or anything up here," she sighs in defeat, handing him the chart she's holding to the man infront of her. "monitor his blood pressure closely and don't do anything stupid, he's easily get shocked" she adds.

"i got you,bae" she turns around once again, "don't mess with my patient, lee hyunjae !"

"i said i got your ass so just go !" hyunjae yells back, finally focusing on the chart he's holding as sara leaves. juyeon on the other hand, was holding his laugh for dear life; fighting his spot in heaven.

hyunjae went through the chart throughly, reading every lines without skipping because he knows patient with heart diseases have a lot of complications and strict rules they stick onto; whenever they're treating the patient. his eyes scans through the papers, until it lies on the information he's actually looking for.

the transplant list confirmation date along with the number of queue lee juyeon had started with.

he flips the paper, hard.

"what the fuck," is all that he managed to come out with, feeling dizzy as he clenches his jaw.

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