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waiting game in the car with hot sun scorching outside the windows of the car really is testing her patience. how much longer does this need to go on ? even the air conditioner could not resist her blood from boiling up. she took a glance at her watch, hour has already passed by yet there is no trace of the person she had waited for.

sighs of frustration left her lips as she sinks into her seat, mentally screaming inside. after all of those years in nursing school, guessing that she had used all of her patience during the process of getting through it. closing her eyes, she tries to keep herself off from her intrusive thoughts. giving in to those thoughts sometimes can even cost her to end up in jail.

as she was about to sigh for the nth times, a little knock was heard from outside of her car, but it seemed like no one is standing outside. nevertheless, her face breaks into a wide smile, quickly unlocking the door. the door opens, revealing a small smile from the figure standing outside.

"my handsome little yeonha, there you are ! i've been waiting for you.. love, how's your first day of school ?" rania greets the boy, a little to excitedly while watching him scramble his way inside, struggling with his pair of short legs.

eagerly waiting for the boy's reply, she let go of her seatbelt and turning her whole body to catch a better view of the kid. her smile gradually disappears as she saw yeonha's eyes slowly pooled with tears. she quickly holds him, visibly panicking.

"wait, why are you crying ? did someone bullied you or something ? tell me who is it, i will make sure to give them lessons !" she says, anyone can see that even she has her eyes swelled with tears now.

"no, mommy.. i was playing with a friend and i fell down on the road that has small rocks on it !" yeonha cries, holding his trousers that tore up, covered in quite amount blood drying up.

rania sighs frustratedly, thanking whoever it is in her mind that bully was not the problem. small physical cuts can be stitched, unlike those inside that sometimes one can never recover from, even is it's something small.

"oh my poor boy, let's bring you to the hospital to dress those wound up. you're a strong boy right ? hang on for a second," rania says, melting as the kid nods in tiny. if it's not about the wound, she would pick him up this instant and squish the hell out of the kid.

driving to the hospital didn't take too long as they were already near. sending yeonha to the closest school to the hospital was not initially her idea, as she wants her kid to have more exposure since the kid has always surrounded by people in the hospital since he was born, but ofcourse her petty husband had insisted that he does not want to be too distant with his child.

still, even after he had dropped his title as the hospital's chief of surgery two years ago, he had been insisting to keep his child by his side even more and opened his own clinic on the reason to spend more time with the kid. hospital has been keeping him on the schedule too much that he eventually think it was time to spend more time on creating his family.

rania always supports him in whatever he does, and the thought of having him to go back home to everyday thrilled her. younghoon advised her to continue to work at the hospital as it was the thing that she enjoys the most. she agrees anyway, thinking that it's not a problem to even her time for both her family and patients.

arriving at the hospital, she then walk out of her car and opens the passenger door, leading yeonha outside. she can see easily bring the kid to younghoon's clinic rather than the hospital, but just the thought of her husband emotional attachment on their kid made her opt for the latter instead.

walking side by side with her kid, they went inside of the hospital's lobby. it is her day off, explaining why she is in her casual clothes instead of her favourite pink scrubs. as they walked to the receptionist, her eyes catches a familiar figure and she quickly grabs her coat.

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