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the sound of a bag smashing a hard surface fills in the room along with a sinister laughs. sara balls a fist, ready to swing it to the pretty face infront of her. as she about to swing, hyunjae grabs her hands off to prevent unwanted bruise on his face.

"that was seriously not funny at all, lee hyunjae" she frowns, wiggling her hands off him as he hold onto it firm. "im sorry i had no other choice," he replies,still mocking her.

"i thought you were dying, you stupid asshole!" she yells, pulling her hands by force.

"i mean i had no other way to make you come here this instant since it's your day off," he says calmly as his hand pouring wine into two wine glasses that he kept inside his locker most of the time.

"why the hell would you do that ? you could've just ask me to come instead of shitting on me like you're about to fucking die ?"

he smiles, "you do really care a lot about me, don't you?" she turns to face him, trying to control her anger issues from bursting out. " fuck no you're just wasting my nonexistent day off work."

keeping a smile on his face; he puts down two wine glasses filled with the red wine that he poured on the small table in their small shared locker room, patting the empty place on the sofa beside him.

"shh.. come, sit here"

she glares at the latter still, making her way to the sofa and plops down beside him. they stayed quiet for a long minute but somehow, the silence is indeed a comforting one.

it's almost like, their presence for each other were more than enough to fill the silence and void. as cliché as it sounds, it's like they complete each other's presence.

her thoughts running wild once again as she realised that she's now sitting beside him, the person who basically had her eyes opened at night. doubting herself; she clears her throat, taking a sip of the wine.

the taste of wine diffuse into her throat, leaving a sweet-sour aftertaste as she furrows her eyebrows. putting the glass back on the table, she sinks her body back to the sofa.

hyunjae on the other hand, busy staring at whatever she's doing. it's not like he wants to stare and smile like an idiot everytime he looks at her, but somehow it just happens out from his will. it's almost uncontrollable, like he just automatically found himself smiling when it comes to her.

funny thing is, she noticed that he's been smiling ever since she got there, but she just shooed out the thoughts that's been wilding once again in her mind. everything was unreal and crazy, heck she doesn't even know what to do or what to feel.

somehow after those years spending time together where everything just feels normal to them,today she feels something new.

a new feeling.

doesn't exactly feels like it's a bad feeling, but it does make her anxious. she inhales, heaving a sigh after before looking back at him but as she about to open her mouth, he cuts her off.

"im sorry for the thing that happened on that night," he blurts out.

"huh ?"

"im sorry i crossed the line," he repeats, having his head hanging low. he couldn't help but feel guilty after the whole thing happened; he was scared.

scared at the thoughts of losing a dear friend over some stupid shit he did.

"i wasn't thinking, i should've known better that boundaries still exists between us," he lets out, finally looking at her.

sara was stunned, he left her quite speechless. she looks away; taking another sip of the wine to quench the sudden thirst. "it's fine," she blinks.

"at least it's pretty decent for a first kiss."

his head shots up, looking straight into her eyes. "that was your first, sara ?" she smiles nonchalantly, "apparently yeah, it was my first."

he shakes his head vigorously as he feels the guilt overwhelmed him more; it doesn't make sense for a woman like her who has people lining up never had any first kiss.

"im really really sorry for ruining your first," he breathes, clearly having guilt written all over his face. sara chuckles slowly as she puts the wine glass down. "you're a good kisser i must admit."


" what ? i liked it okay and im saying it's fine so stop acting like what you did was a crime. it's just a kiss, nothing big right ?" hyunjae looks up to her, a smile finally plastered again on his pretty face, "yeah."

"so we're cool ?" she asks.

"more than cool, babe."

"ew," she laughs.

but why does it hurt ?

she feels weird; as if a scalpel moving on it's own, slashing a heart open. she hates it, the new feeling that has been haunting her ever since.

why is it so hard ?

she scoots closer, opening both of the arms as she looks at him.

"can i have a hug ?"

without hesitation, he pulls her close; embracing her firmly as his hand patting her head like he always did.  she hugs him back as her lips about to say something, but stucks between her throat. hyunjae furrows his eyebrows, " are you about to say something?"

i like you.

"nothing, nice hug by the way"

and if only you can hear my heart.

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