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Roselle's P.O.V

I can't stop thinking of how much I embarrassed myself in front of Mr King.

God when did I turn to a cry baby.

How I'm I going to face him on Monday.

Should I just resign and hide from him forever.
I need the money.

"Are you okay darling?" My mum asked as she saw me stabbing into my food.

"Splendid mum" I said absentmindedly.

She eyed me wearily wondering what was wrong and I just gave her a tight smile before excusing my self from the table.

Just as I entered my room, I noticed my phone was on and I saw two notifications pop up.

I gasp and jump back like my phone was on fire when I saw Mr King's name, then I saw the other message was from Noah so I picked my phone up.

"What the fuck" I whispered when I saw they both asked to meet me.

I ignored Mr King's message and replied Noah

'Let's meet at the park close to my house' I sent before signing.

I was about to reject Mr King and drop an excuse when I noticed something wrong.

My eyes twitched

Where's the message I just sent to Noah.


What is freaking wrong with me

I can't believe I did I even make the mistake.

I was about to quickly delete the message from Mr King's dm when he replied

'I'll be there in five'

I sighed at the brink of tears as I starred at my phone.

I could just pretend I slept off.


Ohh what would I do
I kept thinking as my walk to the park kept getting closer.

Should I just turn around and go back home

How would I face him after the stunt I pulled today!
How could I even break down in front of him!

We'll just have to set things straight, I was crying because something peppery fell into my eyes

Yes! That's what happened.

Looking up I'm surprised to see Mr King waiting patiently beside the swing.

He really came.
Why? I don't understand this mixed signals, it's tiring.

Sometimes he acts like he cares about me and sometimes it's almost like he loathes me.

The way he looks at me at times makes me wonder if he also has this feelings growing in him buh that thought always end when he shows me his real attitude.

"Rose" I got startled when I heard Mr King's voice, I didn't realize I've been staring at him for too long because when did he even get right in front of me.

"Hi" I said waving awkwardly

"Are you okay?" He asked

"Yeah I am, is there a reason you wanted to see me?" I asked trying to get this over with.

"I was worried" he said moving closer making me stagger back.

"W..worried about what" I stuttered.

"You seem startled earlier today, did I do something wrong?" He asked.

His question left me off guard, and now I'm starting to get annoyed again.

"Mr King" I called


"Can you please stop?" I gritted out and he looked at me confused

"Stop what?" He asked.

I looked at him looking confused, what is he playing at?
"For goodness sake stop" I yelled out frustrated beyond repair

He sighed "stop what exactly Rose?"

"You're confusing me " I sighed.

"What do you mean?"

"Nevermind Mr King, why did you call to meet me"

"Yeah I wanted to check how you're feeling, you left rather abruptly" he said taking a step closer to me which made me take several steps backward.

"Look Mr King I'm sorry if I made you worried, but trust me it's nothing to worry about" I tried to reassure him.

He sighed deeping his hands into his pockets.

"Roselle" he said slowly licking his lips.

"Yes" I whispered.

"I like you...... a lot and I want you for me, just me and not anybody else" he said his voice shaky taking a step closer to me and this time I didn't step back, rooted on my feet. The shock of his confession made me freeze on spot.

"Sir, w..what are you saying?" I asked stuttering.

"Exactly what you heard Rose" he said taking another step.

"But you always treated me" I stuttered not knowing how to explain how he treated me.

"I know and I'm sorry, I'm just trying to maintain my policies by not mixing business with pleasure but you made me find it so hard, you make it so hard for me to control myself when I see you with other men, when I see you laugh at other people's joke, when I see you smile when men compliment you. At first I didn't understand why I was feeling like that, why I wanted you all to myself,the feelings were strange to me but it all got cleared to me when I sent you to work with Noah and I felt suffocated without you then I knew I'm gone" he rushed out nervously while I stood there looking speechless.

"So what are you saying now, you want to mix business with pleasure now?" I asked, wherever I got this courage, it's unknown.

"I'm tempted to" he said and I sighed.

"I'll see you later Mr King" I said preparing to leave.

"Wait" he said holding my hand stopping me from leaving.

"Yes" I stopped.

"You aren't going to say anything?" he asked looking at me panicked.

"Anything like what?" I questioned.

"I don't know, maybe say something to the feelings I just talked about" he said

"What exactly do you want me to say? That I like you too, what will that change, will you start mixing business with pleasure then?" I asked and he seemed like the one speechless now while is hand dropped from mine.

"I didn't think that far, I just said everything that came to my mind when I saw you, I didn't even plan to tell you all these" he said sighing and I shook my head to show him that I understood.

"When you're sure of your feelings Mr King then we can talk better" I said.

"But I don't know if you feel anything" he said his hands back in his pockets.

"I'll see you in the office Mr King, goodnight" I said quickly walking out.

I don't dare look back, I don't want to see the look on his face, I'm scared I'll run into his arms and pour my whole heart down.

And that will turn into a mess!







And that is how Leonardo King confessed his feelings guys.

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I'll really appreciate.

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