1 - The Pain of Being Left

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Autumn leaves were lightly falling down
Beautiful, pleasing, yellow and brown
I recall looking at the infinite blue
That filled up the sky with birds that flew
But that beautiful view that represented my smile
Soon turned to a frown, sadly turning me hostile
As you left me there, alone and unloved
My heart ached, with ever-flowing blood

On that horizon I loved to admire
Dark clouds emerged in an instant flash of fire
A river of rain overflowed its silky bed
The blow of the wind then instantly was fed
From the wrath of Aeolus and Thor united
A prayer to survive, I devoutly recited
Because to live without your love, my death was certain
You gave me happiness, never once being a burden

I got frightened when the thunder struck
And I was standing there, inert and stuck
A loud rumbling noise tore the silence
Like a roaring crowd full of violence
My feet were slowly sinking into the ground
As I was screaming, petrified, no one around
And this emotion that we call fear
I felt it for days, months and years
The fear of having to never see you again
You, who were always there, within all those men
Because you were just like a dream
You, the prettiest boy I had ever seen

- TakiTaki_08

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