Part 3

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'Not really' I quickly reply. 'Well sweetheart maybe you don't have to yet, but my sister will want to talk to you about this, it's either me or her' I love lizzie too much already to spill out my pathetic feelings onto her, maybe later. 'Well maybe I can talk to both of you, you know when we have got to know each other a bit more' I suggest. 'Deal, but please try something, here even just a McFlurry' Lizzie tries to reason with me. 'Okay I guess, I'll try' 'Thankyou sweetheart' I like how she always calls me sweetheart, it's like she really cares about me. I don't know if she does tho, nobody does.

Once we get the ice creams I start to panic, like properly panic. I stare at my ice cream intensely holding it would just disappear or someone would come and steal it out of my hands, maybe a kid. Nothing happened. Nothing at all. I felt Lizzies eyes on me the whole time and the feeling of sympathy filled the entire car. 'Here I'll take a bite, then you can take a bite. Deal?' She asks. 'Okay but one bite at a time, okay?' 'Of course, here I go' she says as she takes a small plastic spoon full of her ice cream. This ice cream really didn't look all that appetising, like at all. However, since I want to make lizzie happy, I take a spoonful of it and lift it to my mouth. I start shaking, shaking so much the ice cream nearly fell off the spoon, forget that the spoon was nearly falling out of my hand. 'Here, I'll feed it to you' Lizzie says. 'I'm not 3 I don't need someone feeding me' i reply. I feel a bit guilty for snapping at lizzie like that but when it comes to food, there's no controlling my emotions and I think she may understand that. 'I know but sometimes it helps you know, it's like a physical way of someone telling you that you deserve the food you're eating' I understand what she's saying. Maybe just maybe this can help me. 'Okay, let's try it' She feeds it to me and although I still feel extremely guilty, I kept eating more. I don't know it's because I love lizzie or it's actually working. I mean it's not really working fully as I wouldn't be feeling very guilty now, but it is slightly helping.

I pretty much finish my ice cream with only a bit left but I didn't want to eat the whole thing, if I ate the whole thing, I'd hate myself forever. 'Well done Holly, I'm so so so proud of you!' 'Thankyou Lizzie I never thought I'd be able to do that again' 'it really is no problem but do you want to tell me why you struggle to eat?' 'Not really Lizzie, not right now I'm really tired' i yawn. 'Okay well my sisters are coming round tomorrow and I'd really like it if you would talk to them about it as well as me' 'okay I'll see how I feel tomorrow, however I better get back before my parents go mad' 'oh yes, quick I'll drive you'

I enter my apartment but still nobody is there, where are they? They have never been this late ever. I lay in bed not being able to sleep anymore with the sick feeling in my stomach that something has happened to them. I shouldn't feel like this, I mean they'd never care this much about me so why should I care this much about them?

At about 1am, I start to really freak out. Should I call the police? No, I'll text lizzie. No I don't want to wake her, but maybe. Oh never mind she text me.


Hey sweetheart I'm so proud of you for tonight and when you read this in the morning I hope you have an amazing day you gorgeous girl xx

Hey lizzie thankyou so much it means a lot xx

Um Hols, what are you doing up so late you should probably be asleep xx

Oh yeah my parents aren't home yet and I am really worried about them xx

Oh honey, don't worry I'm sure they're fine.

I mean she's right, my mother text me telling me exactly where she was, I couldn't believe that she had waited all that time to tell me, I could tell she was drunk.


We are at a friends house sweetheart help yourself to anything, we will be staying overnight.

My text has went so weird and idk how to make it go away. Anyways, how are we liking itttt? Sorry it's a little rushed I've just been busy all day but I really wanted to have something out for you guys. Also feel free to leave any suggestions, also keep your comments coming in, even just for a chat it really helps keep me motivated! Love yous xx

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