part 15

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lizzies pov:
"yes?" holly asks with a questioning look on her face. "can i adopt you?" i blurt out without even thinking. "what? why would you want to do that?" "because you deserve an actual parent, a one to take care of you, properly not one to just leave you like this, you deserved to be loved" i replied. "yes" she replies. "yes?" questioning if she was agreeing with me or answering my question. "yes i would love to be adopted by you lizzie, it's been on my mind for some time now" i get so excited, that is until i see hollys face begin to drop.

"but i need to make sure you've thought this through lizzie, i don't want to get in the way of your work and you haven't talked to your family, nobody about this, are you sure?" i mean yeah she had the point about my family but, i'm gonna do it wether they like it or not sooo. "yes, i have had this maternal instinct over you ever since i met you, you won't get in the way of my work, and my work won't get in the way of our relationship and as for my family, i'm sure they'll be supportive but if they're not, i don't care, i'm doing this, assuming it's still alright with you of course?" i ask, just to hear her say it one last time. "then yes! i'd love to be adopted by you lizzie!" Holly jumps up and hugs me. tears begin to form in my eyes and i didn't even realise holly was crying until i felt my back begin to become soaking wet off her tears. i selfishly want this moment to last forever, so i wait for her to finish the hug.

hollys pov:
i can't believe what has just happened. i just nearly died and now lizzie wants to adopt me? what? i start to cry, not tears of sadness but tears of happiness, tears of relief that i finally have a chance at a good life, i don't want this moment to end, not one bit. so i wait for lizzie to finish the hug, so it can last a bit longer. however, not one of us seems to let go.

scarlett's pov:
i can't actually believe that lizzie just asked holly if she can adopt her. i'm so happy for them both especially because i know this has been on lizzies mind all week. i think it slipped her mind that it was possible though because she forgot Holly said she has foster parents and not actual parents until the other day at the restaurant. they seem to hug for ages. they both needed it, i could tell, but when the hug reached 7 minutes long, i decided to break it off, nicely of course. "i don't want to be the one to burst this bubble of happiness but you have been hugging for 7 minutes and lizzie, our jobs are on the line if we don't get back soon" i giggle. I look at Hollys neighbour as she was stood there with her mouth wide open. "i can't believe THE lizzie olsen just asked my adorable neighbour if she could adopt her AND scarlett johansson is stood infront of me, i am so beyond happy right now, but i'm even happier for you Holly, i'm so glad you've found a parent who deserves you, and who you deserve more, i guess this is goodbye kiddo, i've always watched out for you and i know you didn't know but i wanted to make sure you were safe, please stay safe" that was so sweet. i look over and begin to see Hollys eye fill with tears as she ran over to her neighbour, crying.

"thankyou, really, here have my number, you can contact me anytime, i noticed you cared don't worry, and thankyou for saving my life, i would've made too much noise if i was alone" Holly sobs as she puts her number into her neighbours phone. Lizzie just looks at her full of love and relief. i can't wait to be a part of this family and all i'm saying, is that i better be aunt scar. "no kiddo, if it weren't for your peculiar safety precautions we would've both lost our lives today, i guess we have each other to thank, but for now, go hug your new mom!" the neighbour tells holly, i'm still not sure of that woman's name but all i know, is that she seems kind.

Hollys pov:
i run into aunt lizzies, or moms? arms crying, overwhelmed and above all else, happy! i am finally happy. this, this is all i've ever wanted and i think my birth mom has something to do with it, i still have a picture of my birth parents, i never take it out or put it up but it's in my pillow case, i know they've always watched over me. "thankyou" is all i manage to whisper to Lizzie as i continue to cry into her shoulder.

Lizzies pov:
i heard her say thankyou, only because her lips are right next to my ear, if she were any further away, i wouldn't have heard a word. i was lead to this girl, it was destiny she was sat at my table at the cafe, everyone hates that table but her. and then to run into her again at the book store. it was like something or someone above was guiding me to her, and her to me. and i can't help but feel like it was her mom. "i love you my sweet sweet girl, let's get you out of here" i whisper back to her. i carry her to my car, i don't know if she needs it but i know after experiencing something as traumatic as that, sometimes it's hard to not get jelly legs. Scarlett immediately gets into the back, letting me and my daughter, yes my daughter have the front so we can sit next to each other. "i have to go back to work, i know, annoying but i will get you settled into my trailer okay? i won't be long." Holly just nods. i see her gazing up into the sky, at this one shining star smiling, i saw her mouth read "thankyou mom" and i can't help but tear up. her mom was definitely behind this and i will be thanking her later.


so i got my GCSE results back and i'd passed everything with 2, 6s in english! after getting predicted to fail by my teachers! i took a year off to focus on them and the stress and everything but i'm back!
i hope you enjoyed this chapter and i hope you've been taking care of yourselves, what have you had to eat for lunch? i had a bbq chicken pasta pot, yum!! i'm sorry if any of these storylines don't match up as i have been away for a while. take care of yourselves and leave any ideas you have for this book in the comments! i'm sorry for taking sooooo long off but, i'm back now!

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