Part 7

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I must've been asleep for hours because i was awoken by Aunt MK to come for dinner. I was in fact not happy I was awoken to do such thing but we move. I sit down at the table and auntie lizzie gives me my food. 'Thankyou mo- auntie lizzie, this looks great' I smile, knowing what I very nearly said.

Lizzies Pov:
Did she just nearly call me mom? It felt so natural hearing it from her mouth it was almost as if it was natural for her to say it. I just brushed it off but inside I was freaking out. The girl who means so much to be, nearly just called me mom. The twins had noticed it as they looked at me, their faces lit up with happiness for me. I had told them about how much I wish she was my child, obviously telling them not to tell Holly, she'd probably never look at me the same.

Hollys Pov:
I saw Lizzies face light up. I thought it would drop as she would've thought I was weird or something, but no. That was not the reaction that I was expecting. I'm secretly glad she didn't say anything about it because it would just be slightly embarrassing to talk about. However, she does know I wish that I was her daughter so yet again, maybe it wouldn't have been so weird in the end.

I finished my food and excused myself in the living room, as did Lizzie. I'm kind of guessing the twins knew to stay in there so Lizzie could have her private moment with me. I bet I can already guess what this is going to be about.

'So you nearly called me mom' She says.
'I guess I did' I reply with a nervous look on my face.
'I like it, I really do but you have foster parents to go back to and I can't just take you, don't you have to be home soon?' She asks.

In all honesty, if they were home yes I would have to be there soon but they're not and I didn't really want to stay in the apartment by myself tonight, afraid of what I may do to myself if I was left alone.

'They said i could have one day to stay at my friends house, I'm wondering if that would be you?' I asked her.

'Well, only if you're comfortable then yes I'd love to have you stay round tonight' she replies with excitement in her voice.

'Well great, I'll text my parents' i lie to her. I obviously wasn't about to tell my parents I'm staying away from the apartment, I can't contact them, remember?

'Okay, I'll go and prepare the guest room for you!' She says with excitement.

'Lizzie you really don't need to go that, I can just sleep on the couch' i say not wanting to bother her.

'Nonesense, your a guest and I'll treat you like royalty, especially you Hol'

'Okay Aunt Lizzie, I'll see you soon'

She walks off to go and prepare this room for me. I text someone, it was infact not my parents but Layla and Jake. 'Guess what guys' 'what' they both reply to the message in our little group chat. 'I'm staying at Lizzies tonight' 'I'm so happy for you' Layla texts back. 'You lucky fucker, I'm jealous but have an amazing time and tell us how it goes' 'thankyou guys, don't worry jake I will' By the time I'd finished typing my message Jake had changed my name in the group chat to 'Holly Olsen' i just had to look and laugh. This boy is crazy.

I went back in the kitchen where I was greeted by MK. I really liked MK even though she forces me to eat but I know it's just because she cares a lot. 'Hello little one I am so proud of you for eating two meals today' she says.
'Thanks Aunt MK, it means a lot I'm trying' i reply.

'No problem kiddo' she says as she walks out of the room.

I just sit at the kitchen counter awkwardly with nothing to do. I could go on my phone but it's in my pocket and I haven't the energy to reach and get it out. Plus as we know, I don't like my phone. I start to fall sleepy. I yawned loudly. 'Tired Hol?' Lizzie says which made me jump out of my skin. 'Jeez Auntie Lizzie, maybe next time announce yourself'. She just stands there creasing (laughing histercally). 'Hey it's not funny you scared me' 'I am very sorry, but I came to tell you that the guest room is ready' 'oh okay, uhm could you take me there i kind of don't know my way around this place' 'yes and whilst im at it I'll go and find you some PJs to wear, they may be a bit big on you but you should be okay' 'okay thankyou Auntie Lizzie' I'll never get tired of calling her that, ever. 'Is pants and a vest top okay for you' 'yes of course' I tell her.

This room is so nice. Although it's plain white there's still so much detail and even better, the bed looks so comfy!

 Although it's plain white there's still so much detail and even better, the bed looks so comfy!

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Doesn't that bed look like pure heaven??

Lizzie walks in with my PJs. 'Here you go, I tried to find some of my old ones so theyd maybe fit a bit better, I also brought you a little comfy jacket, it can get a tad cold in this room at times' I smile. I'm so grateful towards her. 'Thankyou Lizzie, they're so cute' i reply. 'A teenager thinks my PJs are cute, I'm winning at life' she says as she dances out of my room excitedly. I get changed into them and I'm not lying, they were pretty adorable.

 I get changed into them and I'm not lying, they were pretty adorable

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The comfiest ever. And the jacket just screams Lizzie. I climb into bed but my awful thoughts about me eating start to take over. I toss and turn until I can't bear it anymore, the voices, they're too loud.

'Auntie Lizzie, can I sleep with you?' I ask with a sense of desperation in my voice.

'Yes of course hop in' she says with a slight concern as the lifts the blanket up. 'What's up, is something wrong?' She asks.

'The voices Auntie Lizzie, they're loud' is all I can manage to say without breaking down crying.

'Loud? What are they telling you?' She says with even more concern than the last time.

'They're mad at me for eating, they're calling me all sorts of names Auntie Lizzie please make them stop' i beg her.

'Don't listen to them, they're wrong, come here sweetheart' she says as she holds her arm up for me to go under.

I hug her with desperation. Like my safety blanket. The voices seemed to settle down a bit when she was here. I dug my head into the crevice of her chest, seeking comfort. For the first time in ages I managed to go to sleep without any problem. 'Goodnight mom, i love you' i say before completely blacking out.

Heyyy guys!! Hopefully more of you have seen MoM and want to talk abt it with meee!! I'm still not over it like omg!! I did plan this chapter in lesson, it was supposed to be longer but I'm on the verge of falling asleep so I guess we will continue this tomorrow, I also think this was a perfect time to end the chapter in the end :)) Leave some comments, let me know how your days been. Good? Bad? Want to talk about it? Want to tell me something that your proud of or happy about? Comments and my PMs are always open. And to also talk about MoM ;) I love you guys hope you enjoyed this chapter!!

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