In my Heart

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Thanks so much for taking time to read this and liking these songs, I'm really surprised! It means a lot to me, so thanks! This song i wrote a little while ago...when i though someone i loved a lot might die.

In my Heart (By Mal age 15)

I had a dream the other night

It was about you and me

Together in another light

We looked so happy

Now there's tears rolling down my face

As I remember what you said before you left

"I'll be with you always

and I'll be watching over you always

My little flower

I'll be in your heart."

But it feels like your miles away

Feels like i have nothing to keep me safe

How can you be in my heart when it's so small?

It doesn't feel like you're here at all

You were the only one keeping me calm

And now you're gone

I wipe my tears and say a prayer

Hoping that you'll hear me there

You were so kind to me and everyone

I have no doubt that you're in heaven

Waiting for me to come

There's tears rolling down my face

As I remember what you said before you left

"I'll be with you always

and I'll be watching you always

My little flower

I'll be in your heart."

Even though it feels like your miles away

Feels like I have nothing to keep me safe

I know you can be in my heart even if its small

You're the only one keeping me calm

Even though your body's gone

Soft tears rolling down my face

You'll be with me always

And you'll be watching me always

You'll be here in my heart.

Songs By CeciliaWhere stories live. Discover now