how prom night shouldn't go- Malia, age 16
Caked my face with make-up
Trying to look good for you
Thought that's what I needed
Its what you wanted me to do
My heart still breaks
Remembering that night
My tears were like rain
Could I ever love again?
You broke my heart that night
But you didn't give a shit
When you never showed up that night
Until you finally did
You said it was a joke
And laughed with all your friends
Oh, this is how Prom night shouldn't go
This is how prom night shouldn't end
Were my flowy dress
Trying to impress you
I even curled my hair
And put in a nice up-due
My heart still shatters
Remembering that night
My tears were like the rain
And I remember thinking
Could I ever love again?
You broke my heart that night
But you didn't give a shit
When you never showed up that night
Until you finally did
You said it was a joke
And laughed with your new girl
Oh, this is how Prom night shouldn't go
This is how prom night shouldn't go
Songs By Cecilia
PoetrySo this is a ton of my song lyrics I've written over the years! Enjoy, and please don't steal my lyrics! Thank you for reading!