she's getting married today

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Guys, I'm clearly not ready for when my friends and sisters start getting married 😥🥹

she's getting married today (Mal, age 16)

I remember when she told me she liked him

And when she told me he liked her

Then she told me about her first kiss

And I thought, "ew, I'm gonna be sick"

Just kidding

Ohh, since then

I've watched them fall in love

A little more each day

Oh, but I can't believe

She's getting married today

I remember when they started seeing each other

It was the best back then

Now the new days are even better

Ya, cause since then

I saw him fall for her

And I saw her fall for him

Oh, but I can't believe

She's getting married today

Oh, she's getting married today

I know she's been waiting for this day

Just like with her first date

But I still can't believe she's getting married today

Soon there'll be a small pink line showing up

Proof that you guys are growing up

Life is bound to get crazy

And you might start feeling lazy

But I hope you don't forget the time when you first met him

I hope you fall in love

A little more each day

Today's the day

You're getting married today

Mmmh, she's getting married today

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