How do you love me?

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How do you love me?- Mal, age 16

How do you hear me?

When I'm praying in my head, how do you hear me?

How do you see me?

When I'm crying in my bed, how do you see me?

How did you go through the scourging?

How did you bear all the suffering?

How did you wear the crown of thorns

All the way up to Calvary?

How do you know me?

When I barely know myself, how can you know me?

How do you forgive me?

When I can't even forgive myself, how do you forgive me?

How did you go through the scourging?

How did you bear all the suffering?

How did you wear the crown of thorns

All the way up to Calvary?

How did you love me so much?

How do you love me?

How did you love me before I even existed?

How do you love me still, through all the sins I've committed?

How did you love me so much?

How do you love me?

And how did you go through the scourging?

How did you bear all that suffering?

How did you wear that crown of thorns

All your way up to Calvary?

How do you love me so much that you died on that tree?

How do you still love me?

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