Dr. River Song

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Stepping into the caged elevator, Jack was furious at Johnny for losing his new playmate. "You were supposed to be watching him." Johnny and Lark looked at each other knowing what the other is thinking.

"I'm sorry Master." Johnny looked at the back of Jack's head with a hateful glare. The elevator stopped at the laboratory. Jack pushed Johnny out making him fall to the ground and taking his long, black whip using it on his back making Johnny wince in pain.

"MERCY!!!!" Johnny yells falling onto the ground.

"How did it happen?"

"I was only gone for a moment, Master." Jack took the whip and whipped it across Johnny's back but harder this time.

"Magenta, go and see if dinner is ready." Magenta did as told and went to the elevator pressing the down button. "And you, see if you can find him on the monitor." Jack kicked Johnny in his ass to make him get up faster.

Johnny switches on the monitor, there on the porch is a middle ages woman in a wheelchair looking around stealthy at the bushes.

"Master, we have a visitor." Jack and Vanderohe crowd around the monitor.

"Fuckin hell, it's my friend River."

  "So this wasn't a chance meeting. You came here with a purpose." On the monitor, he looks swifty.

"I told you my car broke down. I was telling the truth."

Jack and Vanderohe are having a stare down.

  "I'm telling you the truth." Vanderohe protested.

"I know what you told me, Vanderohe. Her name is not unknown to me."

"She was a science teacher at Reno High."

"And now she works for your government right along known as working with an enemy of mine, a man whose name makes mine and other kinds coward in fear. While also helping your government what you call the Federal Bureau of Investigation which you call U.F.O and the Man in the Blue Box, Vanderohe?"

  "Now look here, I don't know about all that, but he might be." Vanderohe shrugs.

  "She might be, in the Zen room." Feeling uneasy about it, he walks over to the monitor and switches on the Triple Electro Magnet.

This pulls Dr.Song in her wheelchair making her go through corridors, rooms, and through the wall making her come to the laboratory.

"My God."

Dr. Song has pulled down the ramp and sits in front of the three as the once in front of them.

"River." Vanderohe greets.

"Vanderohe, what are you doing here?"

  "Don't play games, Doctor Scott.You know perfectly well what Vanderohe is doing here. It waspart of your plan, was it not, that he and his male should check the layout for you? Well, unfortunately for you all the plans are to be changed." Jack turns off the Triple Electro Magnet, realsing Dr. Song

"I can assure you that Vanderohe's presence here comes as a complete surprise to me. I came here to find Crybaby."

"Crybaby? I saw him...." Jack quickly interrupts.

"What do you know of Crybaby, Dr. Song?"

"I happen to know a great deal of a lots of things. He happens to be my nephew."

"Dr. Song." A stifled gasp is heard from Dieter from under the curtain.

Jack crosses the room to the tank with a surprised look on his face. He reaches in and pulls back the blanket to reveal Dean and Dieter.

"Doctor Song




Dean Devil's Jack with a look. Pitting his arm around Dieter, Jack is angry and repalled.

  "Listen, I made and I can brake you just as easily."

Dean cowards away from Dieter in fear, pulling his arm from around him.

Coming in through the broken tiles, Lark hits a Gong. "Master, dinner is prepared."

"Excellent. Dr. Song if you are interested we are having Roast Lamb with Wine smothered in Rosemary. You are to join us."

Looking at Dieter who is virtually naked, a searing look. "Under the circumstances, formal dress is to be optional."
Everyone heads to the elevator, heading down to the dining room.

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