chapter 06

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He caught me.

He figured me out.

He was quick and he didn't even stop himself from pointing it out.

"I thought you were unhappy." Harry brought up the words I had said during our late-night phone call.

To my consternation, he wasn't going to let this go.

"I am." I said. Meaning it, still. I had been unhappy all this time.

"Then why do you tell me how wonderful work has been? Deep down you know you can't sell that story to me, Ivy." Harry replied outspokenly.

As far as one can tell, he wasn't a fan of my response.

"Well, everything I said about work isn't made up. Work has truly been going according to plan." I voiced. "I'm not lying about that."

"The question wasn't about work, Ivy. I asked you how you have been." Harry spoke point-blank.

I had dodged his question without any success. He didn't like it because I saw the expression on his face - like I had let him down by not sharing what he asked for.

How come I suddenly regret telling him the truth?

"I'm sorry." I apologized earnestly before placing my hand on the table, too. It was an inch away from his, which raised the adrenaline that already blazed through me. "I just don't want to bother you with what has been going on. It feels wrong to say I've had better days and talk about how horrible my husband has been to me, because then we have to talk about it and I don't want to force you to listen to my complaints, Harry. I just want to enjoy being here with you."

He briefly sealed his eyes. "I get it, Ivy. I really do. But, please, understand when I ask you something, I do want to hear the truth. I don't care if it has to be about how your husband has let you down because I believe you must talk about it instead of hiding it away. Even if we talk about it for ages, I'll listen to you. You never have to hide things from me." he spoke sincerely. "When you told me you were feeling unhappy, I wanted to talk about it but I thought it would be best to do it face-to-face."

I was in awe by his answer because they meant so much to me, I realized how much I longed for someone to say them aloud. How much I longed to have someone care about me.

Cautiously, I let one of my fingertips touch his. It was the simplest movement in the entire world, one I'd never give a second thought, but now it made my head spin, my heart pound, and my cheeks turn red.

I looked him in the eyes. There was this jolt of electricity streaming through me and I noticed he encountered it, too.

What happened between us was being confirmed when he didn't hesitate and took my hand in his. To have his hand wrapped around mine and to feel his thumb delicately caress my skin, was an overwhelming sensation I had become addicted to straightaway.

"Tell me what happened at home." he spoke with less volume and more worry.

"Where do I start?" I said jokingly, seeing there had happened quite a few things since I met Harry at the fundraiser.

"At the beginning, Ivy. And you'll tell me the full story." he said.

"I will." I promised, wholeheartedly.

So there we were, hidden in a room at an unknown bar in a place I had never been before, talking about how Jace had acted toward me. Saying what happened in my life was something I did daily in the past, but since Jace's behavioral change I preferred to keep it to myself. No one would understand.

Harry paid attention to every little thing I had to say as if he didn't want to miss a word. He let me talk non-stop and only said something when I asked him a question. To express how I've felt lately and have someone listen to me attentively was invigorating. His eyes didn't leave my face and his hand stayed locked with mine, giving me the proof he was invested in my life and the comfort of his touch.

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