chapter 22

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It must've been at least two years since the last time I went out with friends. I had been too focused on my career and the messed-up marriage, there was hardly ever the need or chance to do such thing.

Rummaging through my closet for the perfect outfit, memories of carefree nights out crossed my mind. Before Jace and I turned into husband and wife, we would regularly hit the bar with friends. We loved to explore the nightlife, and we loved the steamy intercourse that followed even more.

Somehow it felt weird to revisit memories of Jace and I being intimate. Even though we were married, it seemed strange to be so close with him. It didn't sit right with me, but I figured that must be because of what had happened between Harry and me.

So when Harry slipped my mind, the thoughts about Jace were removed by how Harry had made me feel. Just thinking about it, made me want to call him up and ask him to do it all over again.

Despite wanting to be with Harry, I knew it would lead me nowhere if I would think about him all night. Right now, I needed to think about the amazing night that would be ahead of me. After the unexpected call from Sarah, something had awakened within me. I was extremely thrilled to go out.

I had around two hours to get myself ready, which was enough.

Once I had finished the frozen pizza, I took a shower. Even though I had already taken one this morning, I always preferred to take one before I'd go to a bar.

With a towel wrapped around my body and my hair, I walked away from the shower. Then I began to apply a touch of make-up, and as the make-up was coming together nicely, I gained more confidence. I saw myself transform in the mirror, and I vowed to set aside my worries and immerse myself in the moment.

I sifted through my wardrobe in search of the perfect outfit, which was fun to do. I pulled out various pieces that caught my attention, and I eventually found myself drawn to a tight black top, a slightly oversized black leather jacket, and jeans that fitted my body wonderfully. The pair of heels that would go underneath, boosted my confidence even more.

Not only were my clothes comfortable, they also made me feel undeniably sexy. Something I didn't feel most of the time.

With my hair put back in a sleek bun, I knew golden hoops and a bold red lip would be enough to complete the look.

Stepping back, I had a final glance in the mirror that gave me a sense of fulfillment. I looked fucking good! It brought a big smile to my face to see myself like this and I felt so empowered.

Tonight, I wasn't going to be just Ivy, the woman unhappily trapped inside her marriage. No, tonight I was going to be Ivy: vivacious and confident, refusing to let her dickhead of a husband ruin her night.

When the doorbell rang, I knew Josh had arrived, so I made my way downstairs to greet him. However, as I swung the door open, I was greeted by Josh's familiar grin and an surprising sight of Dean standing beside him.

"Jesus Christ, Mitchells! You could've warned me!" Dean said, and I loved how he didn't hold back whenever he saw me. He was never one to blur the lines, always content with the boundaries of friendship, yet he never missed out on an opportunity to shower me or Sarah with compliments.

"Do you really think I'd warn you and miss out on your reaction? You know me well enough to figure out that thought would never cross my mind," I responded before giving him a tight hug.

"You too," a warm smile covered his face and he returned the embrace.

"Don't forget about me, Ivy," Josh chimed in, his arms opening wide so I could hug him as well. "You look great."

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