chapter 15

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After I agreed to the rules Harry had come up with, there hadn't been one second I regretted it. Because of that, I knew that I had made the right decision. Even if for a lot of people this might be absolutely scandalous to do.

Despite being at the bar for a couple of hours, we continued to exchange stories. Our laughter echoed through the hidden corners of the room, making me feel genuinely happy at this moment.

I couldn't recall the last time I had felt this carefree as my worries were momentarily being forgotten because of Harry's company. We were able to laugh, but we also made me feel truly heard. Rather crazy to feel all of this when you know you are hiding from the world.

As the night waned, we knew we had to say goodbye at some point. I think both of us didn't want it to end, because we never acknowledged it until the waiter addressed they were about to close for the night. We emptied our glasses for the last time before grabbing our coats and exiting the bar.

When we entered the front of the bar, were the people didn't need to hide from the outside world, there was nobody left. We were the last people to go.

Thinking about leaving this place, filled me with uncertainty of not knowing when I'd see Harry again. The concern crept into my throat, making it hard for me to express what I was currently experiencing. However, I knew I could be candid with Harry – he made me feel that I was allowed to say how I felt.

"This isn't my favorite part of the evening," I admitted, a tinge of vulnerability in my voice.

Harry nodded, a sympathetic smile on his face. "Yeah, it's never easy," he voiced as he stepped closer. He placed a piece of hair behind my ear before holding my face in his hand; moving his thumb across my cheek. "I promise you'll hear from me soon. We'll make plans for next time."

I sighed, my gaze dropping. "I just.. I don't know when that will be."

"Ivy, trust me, I'll reach out. We'll pick a time and day." When I met his eyes, he looked reassuringly at me. Then he brought his face closer to mine and pressed his lips on my forehead.

I closed my eyes as I let the comforting gesture sink in and a warm feeling washed over me.

"Okay," I said, managing a small smile.

We looked at each other before his eyes fell on a car stopping on the side of the street. "You're cab is here," he announced and we both walking to the vehicle.

"Time to go then," I spoke up and I turned to him. "Thank you for tonight, Harry. I enjoyed being here with you, I had fun."

"So did I, Ivy. Thank you." He responded, opening the door of the cab.

Wrapping my coat tightly around myself, I took a seat inside. "Goodnight, Harry." I said, looking up at him.

"Until next time, Ivy." he replied and he winked at me.

Then the door closed and we had to part ways again. The driver stepped on the pedal and we drove away from the bar, making me look out of the window before seeing Harry disappear from my view.

I felt different the moment I entered my house. Meeting up with Harry had changed something within me, making it feel as if a new version of myself was present. As I tiptoed through the hallway, there was a palpable tension that clung to the air. A part of me was scared to see Jace, anticipating potential interrogation if he noticed me coming home late.

Thankfully, luck was on my side, and I didn't see him downstairs. When I opened the bedroom door, the soft glow of the bedside lamp revealed Jace already lost in his dreams. Seeing him lying there, I felt the disconnection between us.

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