Teacher's Pet

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"So he slept with Ashley?" I ask Bridgette,
"Yes! They filmed it. That's why he's not here anymore. It was enough proof."
Our English teacher had gotten fired due to a.. special relationship with a seventeen and a half year old student.
He really couldn't wait for the other half to come?
I don't judge, she was failing and he gave her a solution, do what you have to do.
"Who's our new teacher?"
Bridgette shrugs as Gwen comes running inside the room and next to Bridgette.
"Guys! I know who the teacher is!"
She looks at me before winking,
"You might love him, Court."
Um, confusion!?
Principal McLean walks in and clears his throat for our attention,
"As you know about the scandal with Mr.Herm, and he's restricted from ever coming to this school. Please welcome your new teacher, Mr. Tarun."
Wait what?
My fucking boyfriend walks into the classroom with a button down plain white shirt with black pants, his black hair in a shaggy cute mess.
He looks hot.
"Please be nice."
My gaze catches his eyes and he shoots me a sly smirk as he introduces himself,
"I'm Mr.Tarun, I'm twenty-five years old, around you guys' age group-"
"Do you have a girlfriend?" Lindsay asks,
Wow, that was quick.
"Yes. For four years now."
Damn right. Stay in your fucking lane, Lindsay.
"What's her name?" Bridgette asks,
His eyes continues to flash towards me,
"Anyways, You guys are reading a book for class."
"Romeo and Juilet." I state,
Duncan scoffs before looking through other books,
"You guys are college kids and you guys are reading books for middle school?"
He walks towards me and asks for the book. I do so and he lifts the book up to the class,
"This book is the worst book I've ever read in my life. Too tragic."
He then slams the book onto my desk, making my soul jump out of my skin.
"Sorry if I scared you, babe." He mumbles to me,
"You guys must read something powerful, age appropriate." He says, "Not some tale of a tragic, toxic... dare I call it.. romance."
He's got a point, this will be the seventh time I'll be reading this book for class,
"Have you guys ever read the "fever" series?"
Some people nod some shake their head, I've read the books. Pretty damn good.
"It's about a girl, MacKayla Lane, who goes from a stereotypical white blonde bimbo, to a badass fae fighter. She learns a lot about life, herself, and her love interest, Jericho Barrons."
Duncan walks to the desk and sits down,
"Tomorrow I will print out packets with quotes and we will analyze the passage as a class."
Why is the assertiveness turning me on?
I raise my hand but he shuts me down,
"Shut up."
He then begins to continue to talk,
Did he just-
"Treat this class as a study hall, I have to do paperwork before I can do anything official."
I roll my eyes before sketching in my notebook,
"Courtney, you have detention."
Wait what-
"Because I don't like you. See you after school."
"Dude I-"
"That's another hour-"
"Three hour detention."
"You son of a bitch." I snap,
"Four. Hour. Detention for the entire week."
"Fuck you."
"Another week."
I roll my eyes and continue sketching, ignoring the whispered giggling around me.

Once the bell rings, I grab my things and speed to my next class,
"How could he give me a detention?" I scoff to Bridgette,
"He might want to spend time with you," Gwen comments.
He has mentioned his fantasy of having sex in a classroom. Or he's being a dick.
"Come on, class awaits."

After school, I knock on Duncan's classroom door.
What fun this will be
Duncan opens the door and his lips form a smile,
"Hey babe, come in."
I rolls my eyes before stepping into the classroom, not sparing him another glance,
"Are you mad at me, princess?" He asks.
I don't answer, that caused him to grab my wrist and pull me close to his chest,
"I only wanted to give you detention because I can't hang out with you outside of the classroom."
I roll my eyes and he closes the door and locks it as well as shutting off the lights,
"How did you become a teacher with your criminal background?" I ask,
"A lot of explaining, and mass manipulation."
His arms hug my torso oh so close to his,
"Plus, I get to see you more often."
This is reminding me of Pretty Little Liars.
"Babe, you've acting up today." He whispers to me, "I think I should fix your behavior."
A hard slap fall onto my ass, earning a small gasp from me.
"Yes, Courtney?"
He said my name in such a seductive tone; the tone I'll never get tired of. His fingers grab my chin before driving me towards him, our lips crashing.
"Do you remember my fantasies, princess?" He asks me,
I hum as a "yes" response. He then grabs me by my thighs before lifting me off the ground, his face buried into my neck.
"I'm going to rail you until you can't get out of this classroom without falling."
My eyes widen before I wrap my legs around his waist tighter,
I nod my head before acceding to his suggestion. That was when his lips are upon my own once again, only this time much more harsh. A rush fills my body, an erotic rush. His lips form bruising from my lower lip, neck, and collarbone. A shock fills my body as my eyed shut from pleasure. He slams me ontop of the first row desk,
Why do I find this so fucking hot? I love this.
"You're so fucking hot, Courtney."
His hands drag down my body before snaking them on my pants, teasing me from my pants, I lift my hips as a sign to keep going,
"Someone's ready."
he stops rubbing me before he brings his ring and middle finger to my lips before slipping them inside my mouth. His fingers lay on my tongue before he takes them out and snaking them down inside my underwear. My waist lifts up as his fingertips lightly touches my vulva.
"You're such a whore for your teacher, princess." He whispers in my ear, "I can't wait to cum inside you right here in this classroom."
His two fingers slip inside me, his hand slams onto my mouth as my moans now become muffled, Duncan shushes me in my ear before speeding up his fingers, my muffled whimpers become somewhat louder as my pussy becomes wetter the more his fingers thrust. His hand that's covering my mouth pushes my head onto the desk lightly as my back arches,
"You're close, princess."
His fingers thrust harder as my screams become louder, his name escaping my mouth but caught in his hand. My legs begin to shake while the wet stains on my pants grow bigger, my breathing become labored as I cum on my pants. But he continues even after I finish,
"I'm going to enjoy these detention sessions."

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