09. Instincts

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─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───

It's a few days later.

School has been fun lately. My ankle doesn't hurt as bad as before and I've been spending more time with Rona than Seokkyeong. The kids have been having their own secrets. Logan told me to let them be for now until they become relevant again.

But knowing SeolA died where they said she did already says enough.

"I met with Joo Dantae today"

I look up from my vanilla smoothie. "You what?"

Logan sighs. "It was the right moment"

"I guess..why though?"

"None of your concerns" he mumbles. "We have something else to worry about"


"Oh Yunhee" 

I take a sip from my milkshake. "Rona's mom?"

"Apparently she was there the night SeolA died"

"But she didn't live there back then" I snap in my fingers. "She's the killer" 

Logan shoves my smoothie closer to me. "Don't jump to conclusions so quick. Drink"

I sigh. "Anyways..what did you and Mr Joo talk about"

"He invited me to the Hera palace for a party"

"And you're going?"

"Why shouldn't I"

"Mrs Sim will be there too. Isn't she going to like.." I point at his face. "Recognise you"

"You barely recognised me" 

"Not true, I saw right through you"

Logan chuckles and takes a sip from his coffee. "Don't you have school today"

"Hey, you asked me to come here" I mumble. "So I skipped"

"Get to school then" he pushes my backpack towards me. "My driver will take you"

"Isn't that nice" I get up and straighten my uniform. "You aren't going?"

"I need to pay Mrs Sim a little visit first" 

"About that" I sit back down. "Do you really think torturing her is the right thing?"

"What's with you? I thought you agreed with my plan"

"I don't know.." I sigh. "She seems very sweet and she cares for the twins like they're her own. I don't think she has it in her to abandon a new born"

"And I thought my parents weren't the type to adopt a girl, steal her organs and then ship her back to where she came from" Logan crosses his arms. "But here we are"

"In that case Suryeon should be hating you" I whisper.

"Excuse me"

"Never mind" I get up. "See you later"

─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───

I pace through the school. It's lunch break. Skipping school isn't what I usually do, I'm glad it'll be forgiven anyways. I'm a VIP as they might say.

As I reach my classroom, I bump into Seokkyeong. Out of surprise, she drops her phone.

"Dami! Where were you?"

"I decided to have breakfast with my sister" I kneel down and grab Seokkyeong's phone.

I want to give it back, but quickly notice it's not hers. She wants to take it out of my hands, making me take a step back.

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