[07] Dancing In The Dark (Kie & King)

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It was a fine and quiet night

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It was a fine and quiet night. The room he was in was dim, with only the light from the television illuminating the living room. The sound of distant cars passing the street along the soft howl of the wind from his open window fills his ears.

The quiet atmosphere was then disturb by the ringing of his phone indicating an alarm. Along with it was a soft musical sound coming from the television showing a familiar advertisment.

He smiled. Glancing at his side when he felt a presence.

"Its late," the guy beside him says, using the familiar monotone voice. Golden eyes behind rectangular specs stared at him. "Go to bed."

"I'll just finish this," the raven answered in a hushed voice, eyes returning to the screen.

The music was still playing. After all, its a one-minute ad. And he watched it more times than he intends to. They watched it.

Absentmindedly, he closed his eyes, humming along the tune. Fingers tapping gently on his knees that he had been hugging.

"Love," the other called, voice almost a whisper. But, he heard it; loud and clear.

"Hmm. . ."

"Get up," he ordered, which the other complied immediately.

King fumbled on his feet when Kei pulled him, their body crashing into each other. He even let out an annoyed groan when his face crashed onto the others chest, only to hear him laugh at him.

He glared at him warily, but Kei only smiled. Small yet genuine.

As the others hand snaked around his waist, King placed his own hands on the taller's shoulder, leaning his own head onto him. And Kei returned the affection with a feather light kiss on his temple.

They moved, slow but sure. Light and small steps to the side together, swaying gently along their favorite sound playing on the background.

It was the usual routine. They'll wait for the ad to play, and will dance along with it every single time. They'll never miss a chance dancing with it when they're both home.

Just swaying and embracing each other is enough. It was enough for the stress of the day to leave them. To comfort each other.

"I heard you hurt yourself earlier," the blond whispered, sending chills down the others spine. "What happened?"

The raven didn't respond. Only burying his face unto the fabric of Kei's shirt

"Don't be reckless. And stop pushing yourself," he continued, "You better take care of yourself, King."

"I know. . ."


Silence befell between them.

King bit his lower lip and tighten his hold on the other when he heard the music almost reaching the end.


"Lopez!" the raven flinched when the door swinged open along the loud voice of his friend.

He turned to him, eyes wide in shock. "S-Sho. . ."

"What are you doing?" The red-head asked him, eyebrows furrowed.

"Uh—" he blinked, eyes roaming the dark living room. Looking for someone. But, he was not there.

"King? Is there something wrong?" Sho peered from his side, worried.

"Nothing." He answered, shaking his head lightly and giving the smaller an awkward smile.

Sho only shrugged his shoulders before darting off, running up the stairs unto his own bedroom.

King was then left in the living room alone, staring at the television screen playing a variety show. He shaked his head once again, gabbing the remote to turn the TV off.

"King. . ."

He turned, eyes locking gaze at something by the wall. He stared at it intently before sighing. Dropping the remote down the couch and approaching the make-shift altar. Smiling bitterly to the picture frame standing before him before sliding his finger on the glass.

"Am I doing bad on taking care of myself that you have to come and visit me?" He asked the photo. "You're that worried, huh?"

He stared at it for a couple of seconds before kissing the frame. Sniffing a few times, trying to stop the tears from running down his eyes.

"If you were really worried that I can't take care of myself, then why'd you have to leave? You know that I suck at this. . . then why'd you have to go?"

King trembles when the air turned cold. Tears began to fell from his ocean eyes when the air engulfed him, as though it was embracing him. Trying to comfort him.

But, it didn't. It only made the pain that had been building up since that day worsen. Boiling inside him. Because the way the air was engulfing him, reminds him the way Kei embraces him. It reminds him of the way he comforts him.

"Why'd you have to leave me. . .?" He asked, hugging his boyfriend's picture frame close to his chest, sobbing.

"I'm sorry, My King. . ." A whisper, too quiet it almost drowned by the wind. "I'm sorry. . ."

Right. Its been half a year.

Half a year and he still can't believe it. He still can't accept the truth that his moon; Kei Vasquez, died of cancer half a year ago.

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