S1: E6

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**Aoric watching from a distance as he sees Washington, Carolina, South Dakota, and North Dakota all enter the arena. Aoric adjusting his visor to get a clear view of them heading to an injured York.**

Carolina: York! York!

**Medical team members enter the arena and begin to scatter around.**

Carolina: Get over here, now!

**York groans sharply.**

Washington: Is he gonna be okay?

Carolina: Come on York. Hang in there.

South Dakota: I can't believe she did that to him...

**Behind them, a medic tries to help Agent Maine, but Maine shrugs him off in response and the medic backs away. Prompting Aoric to move positions for a better vantage point as the Director gets closer.**

Maine: Get off me!

South:...shot his armor, sacrificed him.

Washington: Lockdown hardens the armor. She probably saved his life.

North: Quick thinking.

Carolina: Yeah, really quick.

**Carolina looks over to Tex, who is being helped by men in black suits. The Director suddenly walks in with the Counselor by his side.**

Aoric: And now, the show begins.

Director: Everyone! Stand down, now!

**Wash, South, Carolina, and North, quickly stand in formation.**

Aoric: *not moving his head, but trying to see if he can tell where the heck C.T. went after she left the observation deck.*

Director: *angrily* You should be ashamed of yourselves! I expected an act as a team!

Aoric: Same here, buddy... same here.

Washington: They used live ammunition on the floor sir. That's against regulation.

Director: *angrily, yet somehow sounding even more hoarse than the last time.* Do you think our enemies will care about regulations on the battlefield, Agent Washington?!

Washington: So, y-you're not punishing them?

Director: Ingenuity and adaptability are admirable traits!

**The screen closes up on York's helmet. It shows multiple large cracks and there's a hole above York's left eye.**

Aoric: *arms crossed.* Man... if I tried that on a drill, I'd be lucky if I got an Article 15. *this making him think on it for a second.*

Director: You should all learn something from this. Dismissed.

**The Director leaves. C.T. appears among the other Freelancers.**

C.T.: *smirks* Yeah, you should learn something alright.

Washington: I can't believe this.

Aoric: Something tells me he's picking favorites with the new agent.

C.T.: Don't forget to check your place on that list Wash.

**C.T. and Washington leave. Carolina looks over at Tex as she is being escorted out by the black suited men. Tex's armor sparks blue again.**

Tex: *to one of the men* Don't touch me.

Carolina: Interesting.

Tex: *to the men* Take me back to the Director.

**The black suited men escort Tex out of the training arena; Carolina continues to watch.**

Aoric: *shutting off the recording once Tex walks through the hall, careful to wait until they leave before he sneaks back to his quarters after not finding any blood on the floor, prompting him to rewatch the footage to confirm this suspicion. Leaving several notes throughout the recordings to be observed by his superiors.* No blood... Interesting.

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