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"So what brought you in tonight, Mr. Barber?" I hear his quick intake of breath and see his pupils dilate.

"Work dinner." Was the short answer he gave me.

"And what is it you do? I'm guessing accountant, or lawyer."

He smiles. "Lawyer. Assistant D.A in Newton. I'm impressed."

"Nice suit and shoes. It's a dead giveaway."

"And what about you? Do you do something else other than sing?"

I give him a look. "Nope. Before I got the gig here I was touring around New England." I say shortly.

"I didn't mean anything by it. I just know that that's not always the case."

I nod. "Ok. Yeah, I have a roommate. We're able to split the bills."

"Good. You have a beautiful voice. I'd hate for it to be wasted doing something useless."

"That's either very sweet or very creepy." I laugh.

"I was going for sweet." He laughs back.

"So, no ring... How're you not tied down? An assistant district attorney, attractive, clearly able to pay someone a compliment, what's wrong with you that some woman hasn't snatched you up?" He laughs at this.

"Work takes up a lot of my time. People keep doing stupid shit so we're kept in work."

"It must be exciting though. Watching justice be handed out to those who deserve it."

"It has it's moments."

"Look at me, talking your ear off. Enjoy your night, Mr. Barber." I say before paying both of our tabs and sauntering out of the restaurant.


I make it home in one piece and my roommate is sitting at our dining room table. "Hey Allie. How was work?" All I get was a groan in response. "That good, huh?"

"My boss sucks ass."

"Apparently, my new one is a creep."

"Oh that's always fun. What're you gonna do about it?"

"Nothing yet. The guys in the band suggest getting a macho guy friend to come in every once in a while to thwart him. I was thinking of asking Colin." I say, nodding my head towards the side of the hall that our mostly naked neighbor lived on.

"Think he would? That might cramp his style."

"I'll offer to pay his bar tab." She laughs at that.

"So what had you in such a good mood when you came in?"

"I met this guy tonight after my set."


"He's sweet. An assistant district attorney. Not married, if you can believe it. And he seems genuinely interested in me Allie. Do you know the last time that happened?"

"It's been years. I think the last one was that shady musician that worked at the bar where you were tending."

"Yes, thanks for that. I don't bring up your shady dating history." We both wince at that.

"Yeah, what do I know?" She says and we both laugh. Allie had been my friend since we were kids. We grew up in the same town and both moved to Boston after college. However, Allie was "responsible" and got a marketing job and I... well I decided to disappoint my family and perform in bars prior to getting this gig at The Wine Cellar. "Do you think you'll see him again?"

"I mean, I'm not going to go stalk him or anything. If he comes by the restaurant again, then yeah. If not, it was nice enough for one night."

"Girl, you will not be satisfied with some half-baked conversation that you had tonight. Not if he's as yummy as you say he is."

"I'm not going to stalk him just to see him again. That's weird Allie." I give her the side eye.

"Maybe I'll swing by the restaurant tomorrow, see if he's there."

"Oh my gosh! You cannot. Besides, the only way we can afford to eat there is if we do it out of their dumpsters."

"Yeah, you're probably right." We laughed at that before settling back onto the couch with a glass of wine, content in the silence.

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