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"Are you sure this is the space you want?" My friend Gee asked as she walked me through this house in Newton a couple of days later. I had gotten approved for a mortgage and was considering buying a house where I could set up a recording studio. Newton had some lovely options and I was excited to be able to put an offer in.

"I think so. It has a detached garage, which after I get the proper permits for, will be the perfect set up for a studio. And then Allie can have her apartment back."

"Oh my gosh. Is this really happening? Are you finally ready to adult?"

"You're a comedian." I say dryly. "But yeah, let's get the paperwork all done up and hope that they accept my offer." She nods and we head to the dining room table to draw up an offer.


Three weeks later and I was now a homeowner. It was a really weird stepping stone. Like all I had accomplished in my life now meant something because I had a mortgage payment due each month instead of rent.

And the first thing I was doing as a homeowner was getting the recording studio set up in the garage. Unfortunately because it could threaten city by-laws or something stupid like that, I needed to get a permit in order to complete the project so I that's where I was, currently walking into the court house bright and early on that Monday morning. "Miss Winters." I hear someone say my name.

I turn around and Andy from the restaurant is walking up to me. "Are you stalking me now?" He asks, an amused smile on his face.

"Can't say I am Mr. Barber. I recently moved to Newton and just needed to get some building permits filed."

"Oh, you moved here?"

"Yeah. Figured it was time to fully be an adult and buy a house, put down some roots."

"Well, welcome to Newton. If you're free later, maybe I can treat you to some lunch, show you some of the local favorites."

I smile at him. "I'd like that."

"How does today at 11 sound?"

"That works for me. Do you want me to meet you anywhere specific?"

"There's a café around the corner that has some really great sandwiches."

"Sandwiches are good."

"Awesome. I'll meet you there." He says before waving goodbye and heading to the elevators.


He was already waiting for me when I got there. "You always make it a habit of being early?" I ask with a laugh as I slide into the booth opposite him.

"Just when beautiful women are involved."

I can't stop the blush that forms on my cheeks. "You're dangerous." I say.

He chuckles. "How so?"

"You're too charming for your own good."

"Really?" He asks, quirking his eyebrow.

"Yes, especially when you pull moves like that."

"Well, I'll try to keep control of my charm around you from now on."

"I didn't say I minded it." I winked at him. Our lunch meeting went by quickly with the typical getting to know you questions.

"So what are you building that you need to file paperwork?"

"I'm renovating my detached garage into a recording studio and apparently, it goes against some by-laws so I need to get everything sorted with the city."

"Ah. So are you still at the restaurant?"

"I am, but I'm down to Friday and Saturday nights."

"So what are you doing with your weeks?"

"I just got hired on at the college's library. It's not much, but the hours are good and it'll still give me time to focus on my music."

"And how's that going?"

"It's nice. Not many students know that there is a library, let alone where it is, so it's mostly always quiet. It gives me time to go over musical arrangements and such in between helping the students figure out how to use the printer." I say with a roll of my eyes. He laughs.

He checks his watch and swears under his breath a little. "Shit. I'm so sorry to dash but I have a meeting with the District Attorney in 10 minutes."

"That's ok. Thank you for the welcome to town lunch."

"It was nothing, really."

And like a moth drawn to a flame, before I could stop myself, I hear myself asking, "When it's done, do you want to come over for a formal tour of the recording studio?"

He smiles at me. "I'd love that." I smile back and duck my head, desperate to hide my blush. How was this man real?

From a Table Away ✓Where stories live. Discover now