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*1 Year Later*

I hear our daughter, Astra, babbling from the nursery as I attempt to clean up the house from the tornado that already went through it this morning. The past 6 months since her arrival have flown by and I really didn't like it. As far as babies went, she was so good. Sleep training was a breeze. It seemed she like it as much as her dad. And so far, she was liking all of the foods we were introducing her to, with the exception of peas, but no one could fault her there. Or at least that's what Jacob was saying.

Speaking of Jacob, and Andy, they were due back from a college visit any minute. This one had taken them across the pond to England and it seemed like Jacob had loved it. Andy, however, wasn't sold on his son being halfway across the world. I wanted Jacob to have these experiences so I was slowly working on Andy, much to Jacob's delight.

"Honey, we're home!" Andy yells as him and Jacob walk through the front door. Astra starts screaming from her crib, demanding attention. "I'm sorry. Did I wake her?" he asks sheepishly.

I laugh. "No. She's been politely demanding that I get her out of her crib for the past 5 minutes. However, now that there are more people here, she's going to be a little more... abrasive, with her demands. No idea where she gets that." I say, smiling at Andy. "Welcome home. Did you boys have a good trip?"

"I had a blast. Dad, however... well I'll let him tell you." Jacob says as he takes his bags upstairs. "I'll get the holy terror out of her crib while I'm up there."

"Thank you!" I yell up the stairs. "Was it really that bad?"

"I just don't know why he wants to go all the way over there. He won't know anyone."

"And he'll make friends. He's not some social recluse Andy. He's very charismatic. Another thing your children get from you. He'll be ok, if this is where he chooses to go. And Boston is a gateway city. There's almost always flights out and back if either one of you starts missing the other." I say, wrapping him in a hug.

"How is it you always know the right thing to say?"

"I'm a woman. It's what we do."

"Well, you're the best at it, Mrs. Barber."

"Nope, you can't call me that. Just because we've been living in sin, as my mother calls it, for a year, doesn't mean you get out of actually asking me." I inform him and walk away, finishing my task of cleaning up the house.

*4 Nights Later*

Andy had managed to convince Jacob to watch Astra for the night so we could have some much-needed time alone. "You didn't have to go all out like this. Honestly, I would've been fine with some Chinese take-out and hiding in the basement for a couple of hours."

"You deserve a night out, just the two of us. I know it hasn't been easy, with Jacob and I traveling for these college visits and you're at home with Astra."

"It's just one of those things. Jacob needs you. And now is the time to be gone because Astra isn't going to remember you being away for a bit when she was 6 months old."

"I know. But I will. Thankfully, Jacob and I were talking and I think he's made a decision. He wants to go to London."

"And you're ok with that?"

"I'm working my way around to it. But he made a lot of good points. While yes, he's still my son, I have a lot to keep me busy over here while he's gone. And with school breaks, he'll be home a lot so it won't be that bad."

"And what exactly is going to be keeping you busy over here? Besides Astra's diapers for the next several months to make up for being gone." I joke.

"This." He says before sinking down on one knee. "Celeste Winters, our beginning was a little rough but we've reached the mountain top and can finally enjoy the view there. Will you make this even better, by becoming my wife?"

My eyes are watering, tears threatening to spill over, as I nod yes. He lets out a relieved laugh before slipping the ring onto my finger and pulling me into a kiss. "Here's to our happily ever after." He whispers. 

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