The boys find out

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After school clubs and sports they usually get a few minutes on the green before study time. The noble girls sitting on the red table . The crusader boys sitting on the blue table . Talking.

The girls conversation:
Hey did he take the bait asked Rita .
Sure did said v
Wow I can't believe we pulled this off said Anne
Ya will I can't wait for revenge said v
Ooo I think your about to get it said Rita .

The boys conversation:
Hey uno oh and square how was rugby practice said Harry.
It was wicket prep said said John .
Just then Fanny Mac walked up to John . hey John how are you .
Go away from me . She stepped closer . Back away from me . She slapped him you said I was cute this morning. Huh boys. John breathing heavily paranoid.  Dude I thought you was plan in to to take her out . Said Anthony. Yes but I read in Liz diary that planing revenge on me through a girl and she never wrote which girl or what was going to happen.

Meanwhile back at the girls table
Hey there is a girl walking up to John . Says v .
Oh Fanny Mac that sweet blond that falls for everything.
Says Rita .
Oh wait he just jumped back and made a fool of his self as liz burst out laughing.
She said That what you deserve . she whispered to the girls laughing .

Boys table :
Really Ben said is that why there laugh in over there .
You got played said Harry.
What no way could she have . Oh that ! But ! It was a fake said John.
As he looked at her face laugh in. Oh I am going to .
Wait trust me this is got Anne written all over it says been . I have a plan. Ok what do got uno says Anthony.
Simple play like there plan is working . And you have seen how liz has gotten so smart right used it against her . Ben said . How said Harry. Simple just set her up to tell us the meeting by by the one thing she doesn't think at said Ben . That is perfect said John . I have the perfect idea . Use her crush against her just like she used mine. How will we know her crush . Said Harry. One word the man . No no I refuse. Come on talked to Rita get her to slip up as usual. Fine . But I swear if it ends up like last time. Who knew you end up in ballet classes wearing tights. Said John .

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