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Jaemin felt a blinding light coloring his closed lids. He struggled to open them. He looked around once he did and sat up, seeing that he was laying in a comfortable bed of grass. Flowers surrounded him. He squinted, trying to see where he was, when he spotted someone far away.

Jaemin carefully stood up, wondering who it was. Maybe, this person would explain why he was here. Jaemin dusted his pants off and walked after the figure. He noticed his vision seemed to be slightly blurry and tinted, as if he was looking through a pink glass. It didn't take long for Jaemin to reach the figure, as if he had glided across the field.

"Um...hi? Do you know where we are?" Jaemin asked the boy carefully.

Jaemin saw a big clear puddle on the ground, like a mirror which perfectly reflected the view it was presented. It was almost a perfect circle. Small pink flowers surrounded it. Jaemin met the reflection of the boy's eyes through this puddle.

"What?" The stranger's eyebrows shot up in fascination as he turned to look up.

Jaemin felt his throat go dry at seeing his face. He was a young boy, about his age. The boy's skin was clear, without a flaw in sight. His dark hair contrasted his smooth, light skin. His eyebrows were sharp and his whole face was very masculine, but there was a certain softness to it.

He was beautiful.

"I-I said-"

"I know what you said. It's just...what are you doing here?"

"Well..." Jaemin frowned, "I don't know. That's why I asked you. Who are you?"

"Oh, well, I don't know where you are either." The boy shrugged and turned back to looking at the puddle with a miserable look.

"This must be another one of those weird dreams." Jaemin sighed.

"Another one?" The boy frowned.

"Well, it's just that my dreams have always been weird. Sometimes, they come true."

"That's just deja vu or a coincidence. Your dreams can't come true."

"No, no, they do! It's not just that...sometimes, I'll get warnings telling me not to do things, or I'll meet someone who just recently passed away. This is only every once in a while though. The rest of my dreams are normal, or as normal as dreams can be. I do lucid dream often." Jaemin chuckled awkwardly, feeling that he was over sharing. It was true though. He wanted this boy to believe him for some reason. No one in town would have understood, maybe this stranger would.

"So, why do you think you're here then?" The boy tapped the puddle on the ground. His reflection rippled in it. Jaemin was so mesmerized with staring into the puddle that he forgot to answer. The boy looked back up at him with raised brows, obviously expecting an answer.

"Oh," Jaemin felt heat rise to his cheeks, "I'm not sure. Perhaps, did you just pass away?"

"I don't think so." The guy shook his head.

"Do you know me?" Jaemin asked, hopefully.

The boy splashed a hand on the puddle all of a sudden, making Jaemin lightly flinch.

"Not really." He shook his head. "If it's a dream, you can sit and wait with me until you wake up." The boy said.

Jaemin was wary. It was just a dream; he shouldn't be afraid, right?

Jaemin sat down with caution. He could see that the puddle was now perfectly still again, as if it hadn't been aggressively splashed. Jaemin wanted to ask so many questions. Recently, his life had been full of questions with so little answers, but he figured it must be all for a reason. He must be here with this boy for a reason. These dreams were never pointless. He only hoped this wasn't something bad like it sometimes was.

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