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"Woah what? You asked him to what?!"

"I asked him to...marry me."

"Of course he'd freak out." Mark's face contorted into one of complete astonishment.

"Well I don't know how this stuff works. I'm a prince. Usually, I'd be arranged to marry a complete stranger, so getting to know Jaemin a little was already the plus. I just...don't know how this works." Jeno sighed, sitting down on Mark's bed, while the other was already sat on a small couch in his room. Jeno had come to ask Mark for advice.

"Jeno, you dummy, you've got to woo him. It's not as simple as marriage. You have to fall in love." Jeno thought about where Jaemin was in the castle. Last time he saw him, he was in the living room, treating Donghyuck and the bunny, changing their wraps. It seemed Jaemin was the house doctor now. That made Jeno clench a fist.

"Well, forcing this on him probably isn't helping. And falling in love? It's easier said than done." Jeno put a hand to his face and sighed. There had surely been progress, but Jeno didn't think Jaemin liked him enough.

"Exactly, so slow down. We can all see that there's something there." Mark held his hands up and lowered them.

"Yeah, slow down before you give me any more second hand embarrassment." Donghyuck had walked in and was standing by the door. The two turned to him, Jeno looking a little scared.

"What?" He frowned, raising his hands in question

"You heard everything?" Mark asked.

"Yeah, from Jaemin, just now." Donghyuck made a face that made it clear he was internally cringing.

"And how the hell did you get in without making any noise?" Mark frowned.

"Oh, you know me." Donghyuck smirked, walking over to sit on the arm of the couch that Mark was sitting on.

"Where's Jaemin?" Jeno asked.

"He went somewhere with Renjun." Donghyuck shrugged. Jeno clenched a fist again.

"And Chenle and Jisung?" Mark added.

"They went outside after talking to Jaemin for like an hour." Donghyuck smiled, watching as Jeno frowned even more, "Just kidding. I have no idea where they've been all day." He shrugged twice.

"Anyway, Jeno, are you in love with Jaemin? I think that's important if you want him to like you that way too." Mark asked.

"I...think I like him. I mean, he makes me really happy and I also want him to be happy. I don't know if that's 'in love' though. It might just be attraction. Still, he's really great, you know? He's smart and kind and gentle, not to mention how...pretty he is." Jeno looked down at his hands, then clenched them, "I don't deserve him." Jeno groaned.

"Well, you can't force him to fall in love with you, but you've just got to try and be nice to him. Don't get down, Jeno. He's kind. He's not focused on what you look like. I can tell by the way he talks about you. You're not sure you're in love with him either, I'd say, so it's not surprising that he's not in love with you, but patience is a virtue so take it as slow as you can." Donghyuck said.

"That's...actually some pretty solid advice." Mark looked at him with admiration.

"Learned from the best." Donghyuck reached over to pinch Mark's cheek to which the other swatted his hand away.

"Okay, I get it. Patience." Jeno stood up and began pacing. "There's just one problem..."

The two looked up at him as he walked up to the two of them.

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