131 ; weasley twins joke shop & suspicious behavior

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the inside was full with people trying the sweets and looking at the pranks.

sparks were flying about and people had to duck between them.

"step up! step up!"

"we've got fainting fancies!"

"nosebleed nougats!"

"and just in time for school.."

"puking pastilles!"

you snigger at a umbridge doll who would shout things using her voice (which voice segments were happily provided by you)

you look around the store, walking over by ginny and hermione who were looking at love potions.

"hello, ladies" fred and george say in sync, rolling over to you three.

"love potions, eh?"

"yeah, they really do work"

you look at the bottle in hermione's hands.

"then again, the way we hear it, sis, you're doing just fine on your own" they both chuckle.

you raise an eyebrow.

"meaning?" ginny questions.

"are you not currently dating dean thomas?"

your mouth drops open.

"it's none of your business" ginny walks off.

you shake your head,

i didn't know that..

you glance over to some guy who was staring at hermione, you scrunch your face up.

"come on, let's go" ron gathers you all up, unpleased he didn't get a discount on something.

you grin, sniggering at him.

"hi, ron"

you pause, glancing back.

lavender brown was giving ron love-dovey looks.

your mouth drops open again.


you look back at him, shaking your head again,

what is happening..

"how are fred and george doing it?" hermione questions as you walk away from the shop, "half the alleys closed down"

"fred reckons people need a laugh these days"

"i reckon he's right" harry says, you nod.

you all stop in front of where ollivanders once was. it was now a mess of dirty and burnt wood.

"oh, no. everyone got their wands from ollivander's"

you all enter the shop, looking around.


you glance at ron.

"is it me or does it look like draco and mummy are two people who don't wanna be followed.."

you step over, peering out the window. draco and his mum were looking suspicious, hastily ducking into an alley.

you all exchange a look, stepping out and peeking the way they went.

you all follow just far enough behind them through the narrow alley, passing a guy who was talking to a wall.

you awe as a barking dog runs by, shortly followed by its owner who was dragging two more along.

you go to go to the dogs, but hermione pulls you back. you pout slightly.

you peek out from behind the wall as the two enter 'borgin & burkes'

it was a dingy shop that looked to sell old, creepy stuff, it looked like your kind of store.

but you all look up as a light from the other side of the roof behind you turns on. exchanging a look, you all pull yourselves up onto the roof, slowly and quietly crawling your way up just enough to see a bunch of what you could only guess to be death eaters all entering a room.

you all look through the window, you could see draco in there, so it must have been a back entrance to that shop.

harry scoots up, trying to get a closer look.

but a head pokes up from the window, you all gasp, ducking back.

you pull yourself back up, the guy had pulled down the blinds.

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words ; 542

date posted ; 4/05/22


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