132 ; suspicion

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harry questions, "and who were all those people?"

you sit back on the chair, you were all now aboard the hogwarts express.

"don't you see? it was a ceremony, an initiation"

"stop it, harry. i know where you're going with this" hermione shakes her head.

"it's happened. he's one of them"

you purse your lips, looking down at your lap, tracing the scars over your hands. you had gotten many from the glass.

"one of what?" ron asks, you deadpan.

"harry is under the impression that draco malfoy is now a death eater"

ron laughs slightly, "you're barking. what would you-know-who want with someone like malfoy?"

"well, then what's he doing in borgin and burkes? browsing for furniture?"

"it's a creepy shop. he's a creepy bloke"

you scratch your cheek, "to be fair, his dad supports voldemort. i wouldn't put it passed him to volunteer his son to work for him to"

harry nods, "it only makes sense. besides, hermione saw it with her own eyes"

"i told you, i don't know what i saw"

"i need some air" harry says, grabbing something from the top and exiting out.

you puff out some air,

that was his invisibility cloak, wasn't it?

after a while, the train comes to a stop.

you all look through the corridor.

"where's harry?" hermione asks.

"he's probably already on the platform. come on"

you glance back as you walk out.



ron was carelessly eating, "don't worry. he'll be here in a minute"

hermione deadpans at him, "will you stop eating?" she says, each word hitting him with her book.

"your best friend is missing"

"oi. turn around, you luantic"

you turn around, harry was coming, but his nose had blood trickling down. you sigh, cheeks involuntarily heating up.

"he's covered in blood again. why is it he's always covered in blood?" ginny questions.

"looks like it's his own this time"

"where have you been?" hermione hisses as harry sits down.

"what happened to your face?"

harry holds something up to his nose, probably an ice pack.

"later. what've i missed?"

"sorting hat urged us all to be brave and strong in these troubled times"

"easy for it to say, huh?"

"it's a hat, isn't it?"

you nod.

you glance between harry and ginny as ginny cleans up harry's face.

"very best of evenings to you all"

your attention turns to dumbledore.

"first off, let me introduce the newest member of our staff... horace slughorn"

you clap.

"professor slughorn, i'm happy to say, has agreed to resume his old post as potions master"


"meanwhile, the post of defence against the dark arts.. will be taken by professor snape"

the clapping wasn't as loud.

you groan.

"now, as you know.. each and every one of you was searched upon your arrival here tonight"

yup. searched. you were more than disappointed you couldn't bring your knife, instead having to leave it back at the weasleys. but the twins had informed you of how to get to the kitchen, they said to tickle the pear near hufflepuff common room.

filch had even tried to take away your wand, you argued back saying you needed it. you ended up being backed up, surprisingly, by snape.

"and you have the right to know why. once there was a young man, who, like you.."

this about tom riddle innit?

"..sat in this very hall.. walked this castles corridors, slept under its roof. he seemed to all the world a student like any other. his name? tom riddle"

you and harry exchange a glance, everyone starts to mutter.

"today, of course.. he's known all over the world by another name. which is why, as i stand looking out upon you all tonight.. i'm reminded of a sobering fact. every day, every hour... this very minute, perhaps.. dark forces attempt to penetrate this castles walls. but in the end, their greatest weapon.. is you. just something to think about it. now, off to bed. pip-pip"

"that was cheerful" ron says.



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words ; 646

date posted ; 4/05/22


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