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E P I S O D E  1 1 [√]p a g e  e l e v e n  :  F I S H B O W L

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E P I S O D E  1 1 [√]
p a g e  e l e v e n  :  F I S H B O W L

a pretty goldfish swam to the right ever so leisurely and slowly to the left, wandering around the fishbowl that was set on a high, well-polished wooden stool.

haruchiyo has this obsession with small, pretty fishes and if he ever spot one, he couldn't take his eyes off it for another second.

rindou watches with judging eyes as the boy sitting across the dining table focus on the fishbowl wherein one goldfish swimming freely resides, "goldfish banger." rindou mumbles before drinking the orange juice and taking a huge bite of the sweetly-baked, teddy-shaped cookies made and served by none other than takemichi.

rindou nearly moaned at the way the piece melted on his tongue, the right amount of sweetness hitting his tastebuds. but it didn't fail to make his eyes close to savor both the taste and smell.

now it's his turn to receive the judging look, "cookie banger."

"fuck you."


the two-toned (light yellow & light blue) haired boy rolled his eyes, his gaze falling unintentionally to the two boys chatting in the living room. rindou leans his forearms onto the table, staring at the two through the kitchen window that connects the dining and the lounge.

"have you seen that kid before?" rindou asks, directly to haruchiyo obviously cause the two of them are the only ones in the dining room.

surprisingly — to rindou — haruchiyo managed to make the time to look away from the goldfish and to the golden yellow haired boy sitting on the single couch across from ran.

haruchiyo shrugged, turning back to the goldfish, "i saw him in mitsuya takashi's cover photo on facebook. well, half of his face was mostly cropped out but the prominent blue eyes and blond hair made him quite noticeable still." the white haired male monotonously states, one of his fingertips softly tapping one part of the fishbowl where the goldfish kept bumping its lips.

"why were you stalking mitsuya takashi's facebook account?" rindou's face was twisted into a scrunched up, judging look once again. but more judging.

haruchiyo rolled his eyes at him. "i wasn't — shut the fuck up, bitch. don't talk like you weren't stalking that blond's facebook account a minute ago." the cream white haired boy hissed, secretly pointing at the blue eyed boy, though the latter wouldn't notice it as his back was facing them.

"i wasn't."

"sure you weren't."

"would you shut up?"

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