Chapter 3

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   "LIIISSSAAA!!!" I groaned and rolled over. Somebody sat on me, making it difficult to breathe. I cracked an eyelid.

   "Do you mind? Trying to sleep here." I managed to shove Sarah off of me before I suffered too much brain damage from lack of oxygen. She ran from the room and I grumbled, turning over. My bliss was short-lived as an ice-cold waterfall was dumped on me.

   I sputtered, and bolted up right. Sarah was standing above me, an empty pitcher in her hand. I launched myself at her legs, catching her off-balance. She fell on her butt while I jumped onto her stomach, planting myself there. 

   "I told you I was trying to sleep!" My wet hair dripped onto her face.

   "I couldn't let you sleep in when we're going to the beach!" Sarash reasoned. I grumbled and dragged up self into a standing position. I grabbed an extra towel and went to shower.

   "Fine, but you owe me an extra sandwich at lunch!" I called behind the locked door.


   The sun warmed my back and hair as me and Sarah trudged through the sand. Up ahead, behind a group palm trees, lots of food shops were hiding. I didn't usually like eating here, because sand was in a lot of the food, but the day was so perfect I couldn't deny Sarah my company.

   I ordered a hot dog and a smoothie, along with my winning-prize sandwich. Sarah ordered a hamburger with fries, and a large root beer.

   "Hungry, do you think?" I said pointedly at her. She blushed and shrugged.

   We chose a table under in the shade. After a while of relaxing, I saw a now-familiar shadow fall over us. I looked up to see Brendan looking at us with curiosity. I raised my eyebrow at him.

   "Hey there, Lisa. How are you on this wonderful day?" He leaned against the tree closest to me.

   "I was great until you showed up." I closed my eyes.

   "And now you're freaking amazing, right?" I frowned.

   "Not even in your dreams, Tanner."

   "I see, so that's how you're gonna play it, huh?" He grinned mischieviously and I gave him a blank look.

   "Do you have a need to interrupt my free days? If I can't stand being around you at school, what makes you think I'll be more considerate away?" I shoveled the food into my bag and stood up.

   He blocked my way. "Aw, so you're saying you really don't want to see me?" He made a puppy dog face. I hated that face. It was hard to resist punching.

   "Absolutely. Now move, before you get a repeat of yesterday," I threatened.

   "Oh, you mean where I did this?" He walked behind me and ripped my twisty out. I didn't have enough time to react when he ran his fingers through my hair. If not for the sun's heat, I would have succumbed to the shivers that raised gooseflesh on my arms. Dammit, body, you're under my control. I jerked away and punched his side. He started laughing and handed my hair tie back. I snatched it and stomped away.

   He laughed and left. Sarah caught up with me. She opened her mouth to say something. I held my hand up to stop her. She just smiled and glanced at the ocean. It sparkled in the afternoon sun, nearly blinding me. I glanced behind us, to make sure Brendan wasn't following us. He was joking around with his friends, and when he noticed I was looking at him, he waggled his eyebrows.

   "So, it seems you and Brendan have something going here..." Sarah said casually. I stopped dead in my tracks.

   "If hell froze over and he was on his knees begging, still no. " She laughed while I shot another glaring look behind us.


   We spent the rest of the afternoon watching a House marathon at her house. When 13 left, we were practically screaming at Foreman. When House was hallucinating about the vicadin being lipstick, we almost cried when he walked into the rehab facility. Ah, it felt good to relax.

   About half-way through the series, I got a text message. From Brendan. I grunted and unlocked my phone. 

Brendan: So lisa you wanna go out sometime?

Me: Not if human civilization depended on it. How did you get my phone number?

Brendan: why not?

   I thought about replying with "Do you want the reasons alphabetically or chronologically", but then thought better of it. This could be my chance to show him girls aren't toys. I hit the reply button.

Me: sure, what time?

Brendan: seriously?

Me: obviously. I don't make text typos often.

Brendan: k, ill pick you up tonight at 6

Me: all right. see ya then

   Oh crap. In a fit of stupidity, I slapped myself in the face.  Sarah looked at me oddly, and I read my texts to her, and what my plans were to get back at him. She smiled happily, readjusting her blankets

   "This is going to be fun. So, are you trying to repulse him, and get his attention away from you, or are you going to go as your normal self and charm him?" She shoved the last of the popcorn into her mouth.

   "Charm him. He'll seem to want more, and when I refuse a second date, and rather wait until the time is nice for me," I thought out loud, "then he'll be stuck with me for some time. And I'll need to think of ways to tell him I plan on keeping him in my net for a while."

   "Let's get started.'

[A/N: I will upload as soon as I can, but since I have to deal with school, and stuff, then I might only upload on weekends, depending on how busy I am. And yes, the next chapter will be the big date that has a surprising twist in it. Hope you enjoyed it!]

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