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"Hey, guys! I heard prof. Kim will bring her daughter today! I'm excited to see her. I bet she's as gorgeous as her mother." Chaeng, my bestfriend said dreamily as she hug her books to her chest.

I hummed as a response while staring straight ahead at where we're heading. Our classroom.

"Yeah, me too, babe! But i heard prof. Kim's daughter mostly got it's looks from her father." Jisoo, Chaeng's girlfriend said and they both hugged.

I scoff watching them and that caught their attention.

"Yah! I know you have a crush on our professor but you gotta accept that she's married and already has a child. Stop acting like a goddamned mango and stop doing that scoffing thing." Jisoo said while she squints her eyes on me.

I scrunch my nose and made silly faces. I sniggered when she hissed at me and acted like she'll punch my face but her girlfriend smack her head before she can even touch me.

HA! Deserve! Accept my ass!

Jisoo glared at me while mouthing some words that i couldn't understand. I smirked in triumph as for i know that she knows that she couldn't lay a finger on me whenever Chaeng is with us. You see, Chaeng loves me— well, not i 'that' kind of way. She loves me as her sister and there for she protects me like one. She's older than me for only few months but she treats me like she's as old as my mother. I'm not complaining, tho. I love it because i can benefit to it A LOT!

"By the way, Lisa, i want you to behave later, okay? Don't make prof. Kim's daughter cry or else! Up until now, I still can't get the image of prof's Choi's son's face when you broke his favorite action figure and i do not want to see another poor kid crying because of your childishness." Chaeng pointed at my face while making the 'i'm freaking serious' face.

See what i mean by 'treats me like she's as old as my mother'? This is what.

"What?! Chaeng, it wasn't my fault! He threw it to me and i got surprised! I thought it's a lizard or something. Besides, i already paid prof. Choi." I reasoned out as i pout and crossed my arms as if I'm sulking because of her accusations.

"Still, Lisa! It was his favorite toy! You can't just replace a kid's favorite toy!" Chaeng fired back. I rolled my eyes.

"Of course you can!" I said. She scowled at me and opened her mouth to say something but i went first.

"Okay, I'm sorry! I'll shut up now!" I said and spare a glare at Jisoo because she's laughing at me the whole time her girlfriend is scolding me.

Chaeng pinch my side before going inside the classroom while pulling her annoying lover with her.

"I'll punch your face later!" I whispered yelled at Jisoo before proceeding on my seat which is on the last chair on the right side.

You ask why I'm seated here? It wasn't my fault! Prof. Kim put me here because she said I'm so annoying that it irritates her and it ruins her day. I mean, I'm well aware of it, but! I like annoying her so why not do it, right?

Not even 5 minutes later, the class bell rang indicating for the starting of discussions. The room was slowly filled by students then lastly, my favorite professor, prof. Jennie Kim.

I was about to stand up and start my routine, and that's to annoy the heck out of my crush when everyone cooed and gushed infront of the room.

My brows furrowed in curiosity as i tiptoed and tried having a glimpse of what's infront.

PEREGRINATE -jenlisa (One Shots)Where stories live. Discover now