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"Lisa! Your father's gonna be here any minute! He's with his wife-to-be, go ahead and get the food I've ordered!" My aunt yelled from a distance while I feed the horses.

My face lit up as I heard what she said and swiftly gave the hay to the other workers as I make my way towards my horse.

"And be quick!" she added and I just chuckled.

"Yes, Ma," I replied and took off towards the Centro where vendors gather to sell foods and other necessities.

We are in Hacienda de Amado Manoban which is owned by my father, it is pretty big and people here live in the most humble way possible, different than that in big cities. My father, a humble and kind hearted guy, is loved by his people which cultivated a very healthy environment of mutual respect and understanding amongst his people.

"Hah!" I shouted which made my horse gallop faster. Soon enough, we reached the Centro, rich with fresh fruits and delicacies.

I climbed off from my horse then winded the leash to a nearby tree before giving him a snack. I went to a certain place where my aunt said she ordered... well, this is the only place that serve my father's favorite food, so... *shrug*

"Hi, señora. I'm here for the food that aunt ordered," I said as I smile at her.

"Oh! Lisa, yes. I have just finished cooking. Wait... LUISA! PREPARE THE GINATAANG LABONG!" She shouted at her niece which made me chuckle.

Another thing about the people here, is that they like it when they're loud.

"Anyways, Lisa. You seem to be more beautiful everytime you make appearance. It's just fair if you have someone to take care of you."

"Nah, ain't interested on tho—..." I paused as I see a woman standing meters away from me with a soft smile.


She's wearing this decent blue dress and carries a small purse and a basket.


"Ah-ha. Got you. Must be your type, huh?" I snapped out, looking back at the señora.

"Nope," I shook my head. "Too classy. I will surely have a hard time picking places for her, I'm sure she doesn't like eating in some cheap stalls like this," I added then smiled at her.

"Hmmm," She gazed suspiciously and I just gave her an innocent smile.

As I avert my eyes back to the woman, she's already walking away and a part of me insists that I should follow her.

I looked back at the señora before sneaking away from her place to follow the woman.

I haven't seen her here before, she must be new to the place. However, it surprised me how well she knew where to go.

For awhile, she walked while occasionally stopping by tl check on some things that vendors offer and then she walks away without buying anything.
After awhile, she stopped by again and spent few minutes just standing on yhe same spot.

"She's stunning," whispering, my eyes beamed when she finally faced the direction I am in, giving me the opportunity to see her face.

Absolutely beautiful.

My mouth went agape while I feel myself getting pulled towards her by some type of invisible rope.

1 step...




2 steps...

PEREGRINATE -jenlisa (One Shots)Where stories live. Discover now